COM0015 – Blog 3 – Networking

My current parent strategy for developing my professional network online is to build my LinkedIn profile. I downloaded LinkedIn a few years ago and then forgot about it. Recently, I realized that, especially considering how close I am to graduating and entering the professional world, it’s really important to have a space where anyone from around Ottawa, Canada, or even the world, can see what experience I have and where my professional strengths lie. As part of my strategy, I have been connecting with many more people that I either know, or share common interests with me to build my network. I have also been adding way more information and detail to my profile to not only update my information, but also to make my profile less generic and more personal to me. Finally, I have been adding lots of links to my published/posted works so that if anyone wants to see my work, especially in digital marketing, they can!

Honestly, the in person part of networking has been a bit of a struggle recently given rises in COVID-19 cases, so while I haven’t participated in any face-to-face networking, I plan to do so when it is once again safe. In the next 6-12 months, I plan to continue developing my networks by returning to school full-time in person to engage with my professors and classmates as we all share some interests and experiences. I also hope to attend some workshops offered by the University of Ottawa on topics including networking, so that I may learn new strategies as well as meet new people that I can add to m network. Another plan I have for the next 6-12 months is to reach out to some contacts I have in the communications/marketing/media world and ask their advice for future career and educational moves to get insight into how I can best set myself up for a prosperous future. This will also add to my network, and possibly even introduce me to people whose contacts I don’t yet know. The cool thing about networking is that once you start, the web of contacts just multiplies and multiplies! 

One thought on “COM0015 – Blog 3 – Networking

  1. Hi Olivia, I like that you are working on your linked profile, it is an inspiration for me to work on mine. I am studying at the university of ottawa as well. Finishing my last year. I am looking for the same groups as you.

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