COM0014 – Blog 4 – B2C Case Study

In my opinion, a great example of a B2C business is Etsy. What’s unique about Etsy is that it acts as an e-commerce headquarters for anyone with a passion for handicraft to be able to sell their work to people around the world. It brings together those with a talent for handicraft and those with a love for things that can’t be found at your everyday shopping mall or Walmart. 

Etsy has a brilliant social media strategy that focuses heavily on its audience. For instance, in addition to posting pictures and videos of product/seller promotions, they also post comments from customers to give positive feedback shoutouts, fun questions to spark engagement, as well as questions for consumers about the company to get feedback. 

In terms of the quality of Etsy’s online interactions, it is one of the best companies I know for responding to consumer feedback on social media, sending personal replies to many of the people who comment on their posts, and at minimum giving a thumbs up or like to comments to acknowledge that they’ve been read. You can tell by the level of engagement from customers that the effort Etsy puts forth on their social media is really making a positive impact on their clientele. 

I would say that Etsy’s social media approach is working, based on my personal experience. I am a new customer of Etsy and I am very impressed by the company. Their social media posts not only make me want to purchase things (that I definitely don’t need haha), but they also make me want to support smaller entrepreneurs like the ones that use Etsy to sell their products. The backgrounds, stories and passions of the sellers add so much to the buying experience that you just can’t find in mass-produced goods. 

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