BLOG #1 COM0011

5 sure-fire steps to being at-ease (No matter what…)

What do you think about when you go for a walk?

Well, if you are like me, you probably think about how you are going to deal with a particular situation whether it is work, relationship related or just finding the right gift for your best friend’s birthday. Your mind ends up on overdrive and it stresses you out! How to get that clarity of perspective?

A good way is to step away from the issue momentarily and more often than not the solution appears.  Right? Have you not heard this before or even experienced it?  I have big time!

My story starts with that overwhelming stress from a marriage breakup, selling the family home, retiring from my job, diminished income and shifting to a new uncharted career. Oh, those life changing events!

I found Breathwalk…or rather it found me. 

Breathwalk is the science that combines your walking steps with different patterns and rhythms of breathing done in a focused attention.

Sounds complicated, right? It is so simple that you could just dismiss it as some new age gimmick.

But wait…take a deep breath… and please read on a little more…

With this practice, we correct and improve our breathing in a conscious way so that our mind will calm all its monkey business of keeping us stressed.

We breathe life and vitality not just air. Breathing experts have established through research that complete conscious breathing offers a number of real benefits:

•       Gives clarity and calmness

•        Reduces stress and anxiety

•        Helps eliminate toxins trapped in the lungs’ cilia from pollution around us

•        Increases patience and resistance to stress reactions

•        Boosts blood circulation

•        Optimizes Ph balance (acid/alkaline) (it is one of the things that keeps you healthy and not open to dis-ease

•        Facilitates the movement of spinal fluid essential to nervous system health and strength

•        Expands the flow of energy through the meridians (energy channels)

•        Enhances the aura – that’s your GLOW

•        Improves the body’s rhythms related to sleep, digestion, sexual urges and the other core functions.

If you have one of those scientific ‘give-me-proof’ minds, check out this article on the effect of proper breathing

Being aware of our breath has a deep effect on us, physically, psychologically, and even spiritually. When you walk and breathe like this, it becomes a meditation. That’s Breathwalk.

The benefits of Breathwalk are multilayered, but there 4 main effects for your well-being:

1. Mood control

2. Reduction of Stress

3. Increase energy and vitality

4. Connectedness

There 5 steps in Breathwalk to achieve these life-energizing and calming results. They are:

  • Awakeners – stretches to awaken the body and breath;
  • Alignment for the body, mind and spirit;
  • Vitality – the heart of the practice: steps, breath patterns with primal sounds and magic fingers;
  • Balance – more stretches to consolidate; and finally
  • Integrate with the innerwalk – walking your breath through visualization.

After you experience these 5 sure-fire steps, even once, you will feel so amazing and realize that you can deal be at-ease in your life no matter what chaos may be going about.

Please watch this video Introduction to Breathwalk

Remember when we talked about what you do when you go for a walk?

Instead of churning stuff with your mind, give it a break, give yourself a break and do Breathwalk.

On a closing note, I want to share with you a quote from my Breathwalk teacher, Yogi Bhajan:

There can be no change without movement: movement of breath, movement of body, movement of thought.

Now that you know, go for a walk and breathe well and with awareness.

Stay connected, next time we will learn to practice the special breathing techniques.

I would really love to hear from you. What did you think about this blog? Leave your comments or experiences below.

D. Meherbani Kaur Desrochers-Khalsa, Founder and director of the My HealthvMy Choice Holistic Services (1994 Canada, is an internationally certified Kundalini Yoga and Breathwalk teacher-trainer with teaching experience in Japan, Cuba, United States, South Korea, particularly in India and Canada.

She offers Breathwalk and Kundalini Yoga in-person scheduled and online classes, workshops and trainings in different venues.  For nearly thirty years, she has been providing person-centered lifestyle and nutrition (western and yogic) counselling and coaching services as well as presenting community and corporate seminars, locally, nationally, and internationally, specializing in Women’s health issues – from the first to the last breath –, stress management and dependency relief.  

Meherbani Kaur teaching Breathwalk at Akal University, Punjab India. Students checking their conscious brathing

6 thoughts on “BLOG #1 COM0011

  1. I am very sorry to hear about the difficult times which you have encountered during COVID. I often find myself practicing Breathwalk when I find myself stressed. The best feeling in the world is going out in nature and practising your breathing to reduce stress and anxiety.

    On a side note, my stepmom is a Yoga and Pilates instructor and I find that the breathing in which I have learned from her classes I use in everyday life.

    I hope things get easier for you and remember that your a strong, beautiful woman!

  2. Thanks for sharing your experiences and your expertise Meherbani. I can definitely see how the educational aspects of social media are going to help you change the world for the better! Including the photo of you in your teaching role was very powerful in establishing your credibility with the readers of the blog.

  3. I found your blog very informative. Walking has been something that I want to incorporate into my lifestyle. Going for a walk for the purpose of wellness and not just because I have to get from point A to point B has been a mental struggle for me. Having something to focus on might just be the key!

  4. Hi Linda, Thank you for your comments. Yes walking with a purpose to feel good all around is so important for all of us. Be well, Meherbani Kaur

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