Strong and Weak Organizations

A strong organization on social media is so important, especially if you are a local, or new smaller business. It is how businesses survive, they post their events, customer pictures, merchandise, promotions, etc all on social media. Obviously McDonalds does not need to post their promotions on Instagram to get customers, but a local restaurant down the street definitely does. The local restaurant needs those tags and reposts to survive. A strong organization on social media is one of my favourite local restaurants, Fratelli. They have two locations, one in Kanata and one in Westboro. They have been so active on Instagram, particularly, during the lockdown and it has worked! They promote, promote, promote! They do polls on their different pizzas, trivia on their cocktails, lots of stories, etc. I will be for sure visiting them as soon as patios open.

A weak organization on social media is Apple. It probably sounds super weird to you that I just said that, but they barely use their Instagram or Twitter. They only use it when they launch a new product. Now, that said, Apple is the biggest tech company in the world, so they don’t need use social media to gain new customers, but it is still great to engage with your current customers and the public. I’m scrolling through their Instagram right now and it’s random photography pictures of birds and mountains…I get that they’re promoting their cameras but it’s just weird and no one would enjoy scrolling through their page.

My main focus of this blog, is that social media is very important to use when you are a smaller, local business but also very important if you’re world wide known. It is just nice to take the time to interact with your customers and be involved, no matter if you are Olive Garden, or your local Italian restaurants down the street.

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