COMM0014: Blog #4 – Aerie Conducts Business with the Consumer in Mind.

This week we were tasked to find an example of a Business-to-Consumer (B2C) organization that is engaging with their audience online. For this assignment I chose to examine Aerie by American Eagle.

I think that the biggest advantage to Aerie’s consumer strategy showcases real life women using their products in everyday life (creating a sense of relateability). Through their #AerieReal campaign strategy, the company strives to promote body positivity, diversity, inclusivity and even, activism. Moreover, Aerie is often ahead of the current trends both in appearal and lifestyles.

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Additionally, Aerie is also very engaged with it’s audience online. When scrolling through various like/comments I could see that Aerie frequently responded/liked remarks made by potential customers. This engagement was especially apparently if there was a dissatisfied comment left online.

Moreover, Aerie is accessible on various social channels/outlets. Each channel has regualar postings and all posts often have an engaging picture/video, captions are often short & sweet and often provide a call to action and direction to complete a sale.

Aerie can currently be found online at:

  • Instagram
  • Website
  • Mobile App
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Spotify
  • YouTube

In short, I think that Aerie does a great job about knowing who they want to buy their product and ensuring that their presence online brings it’s consumers a sense of purpose. As a fan of the brand myself, I would fully recommend their products to others.



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