Blog #3 – Finding Your Ideal Client

When I started my social media presence, someone gave me a great tip that I’ve never forgotten. “If you try to speak to everyone, you’ll speak to no one”, this phrase has stayed with me since then and I still marvel in the truth of it. Knowing who you’re trying to sell to is imperative to doing business of any sort. Want to know how to find your ideal client? Keep reading.

In classes, we’ve been taught to identify and seek out our target audience. While this is an excellent practice, I choose to narrow it down even further and that’s what I’ll be sharing with you today. We’re going to explore both what I’ve learned from classes and practical knowledge to create our ideal client.

First of all, I’d like to introduce you to my ideal client; Sam. Yep, she even has a name. 

To create Sam, I had to sit down and do a deep dive into what I know about my target audience and current demographic. She’s composed of the clients I want to attract and the clients that I currently have and love. 

So, let’s break it down. I’m a hairstylist who specializes in vivid hair colors. I thrive when I get to create hair art that is bold, bright, or unique. While these services do appeal to men and women, 85% of my vivid clients identify as female. Therefore, Sam is a lady. Next, my vivid clients are 16-55 years old. The average age however is 25, which you’ve guessed it, is how old Sam is. 

From there, I conducted research amongst my current clients (who are my favourite to work with) on where they shop, work, socialize, and spend their time. I did this by talking to them directly and by creating polls and questionnaires using my Instagram stories. 

If you’re struggling to identify who your target audience is, I’ve attached this video for your consideration! I found it quite helpful.

Now that I’ve gathered data on my audience, I can identify exactly the client I want to attract to my business. Here is the bio I wrote for Sam:

“Sam is a 25-year-old entrepreneur. She works part-time for the government of Canada and full-time working on her side-hustle as a crafter. Sam is kind, quirky, and witty. She shops at stores like Black Squirrel Books, All Dolled Up, and Flower to The People. She visits local coffee shops and spends a lot of time crafting or socializing with other artists.”

In addition, I know that Sam (and clients just like her) tend to spend a lot of time on Instagram and Tiktok. She’s not afraid to stand out and likes to experiment with her look. 

By creating this profile, it gives me a focus when I write a copy. I know that I want to talk directly to Sam and people like her, this way, I know that I’m attracting my dream client to my business. It also allows me to understand where I should focus my time online in order to find more dream clients. Like stated before, Sam uses Instagram and Tiktok, therefore that’s where I should be putting my social media efforts as well. 

While you may have already heard of finding your target audience, have you ever thought about narrowing it down to find your ideal client? Let me know! 

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