COM0014 – Blog #7 – Personal Reflection

Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom from Pexels

I think that of all the courses taken in the social media program at Algonquin College, this course for digital communication has been, and will continue to be, the most useful going forward. The other courses helped provide the foundational elements needed to start marketing yourself on social media, but this course provides the communication basics that help to navigate what needs to be posted in our content.

Photo by Victor from Pexels

The use of storytelling is important when creating digital content for a couple of reasons;

  1. You are able to truly connect with your target audience. Whether this be emphasizing with this audience or finding a need that your product can fix – and showing them how.
  2. Provides an opportunity to motivate and inspire, as well as entertain, your audience.

If your content is guided by a story, it should showcase your work as uniform and engaged with your audience. I personally think by adapting my personal life story into my content creation, I can share my business further. I would like to share my goals for my business, as well as myself, in my content to be transparent and trustworthy with my audience. I find these types of content allow me to connect and understand my audience better, and give them a personal/human side to the business.

What story do you hope to tell through your content?

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