COM0014 – Blog #7 – Last thoughts

I’ve really enjoyed the subject matter we learned from this class. I’ve learned that the biggest challenge of communications and branding is finding your own unique voice, and being as authentic as possible. We often have to sound like a lot of other people before we truly start to sound like ourselves. This class was a lovely way to encourage us to find our inner voices and embrace them with confidence and poise.

Perhaps the most interesting thing about the field of communications is how quickly it’s changing. So even when you think you’ve become an expert in one aspect of it, suddenly there’s more to learn. There are new tools and ideas emerging each day, and while this may be intimidating to some, there’s an art to just “rolling with it”, being resilient and open minded and evolving with the times.

Moving forward I think I’d like to teach myself to be a bit bolder and brave in the face of these changes. Maybe the first step to gaining knowledge is understanding and accepting where your knowledge gaps lie. I’d like to continue learning how to communicate genuinely and effectively, and with honesty and conviction. I’d love to work in the communications department at a company with a powerful, noble mission. Use my skills for good.

Photo by Ekaterina Bolovtsova on

One thought on “COM0014 – Blog #7 – Last thoughts

  1. Great Post. Sounds like you have found your passion. Going where nobody else goes is what makes readers captivated in your stories. I find it when I read about new recipes or looking at a technical solution that someone else wrote. Whatever, it is it has to provide some utility to the reader.

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