Living Your Best Life! Post 2020!

2020 has been nothing but fear and uncertainty!  At the beginning of the pandemic it was extremely frightening and the beginning of a nightmare. I found myself scrolling through the news on the phone, tablet or television, reading, watching and listening intently, in shock and feeling fear.  The unimaginable was about to take place.

Millions of people all over the world became sick and millions of people lost their lives. An outbreak of a mysterious disease that began in Wuhan, China, then went on to over burden the health care systems in both Wuhan and Northern Italy and many other countries. The corona virus was spreading exponentially to England, Spain, Canada, United States, South America and the rest of the world in a short period of time. Borders began to close.


About three weeks into the pandemic, I listened to less news and listened to only trusted outlets on surviving a pandemic. After a few months in I started to reflect.  Then I decided to reset. Life was too fast.  Information was coming quickly through the different multimedia channels and social media. The stress at my job. I felt like I had to keep going and keep up. Hardly a moment to think about what should be next.

It was difficult to think about “what life” would be like post pandemic. I knew I wanted a change. I didn’t want to come out on the other side the same.  I started to shed the old and began to think about what life could potentially be after the pandemic, “living my best life.” I started thinking about my dream job, family, friends and travelling more. Oh, and I started a book club, something I have always wanted to do. To get my mind off the pandemic I started to read more. I love reading novels but didn’t have time to complete a book or start a book. I started to invest in myself. There is still the uncertainty of the economy and when the pandemic will be over.

I wanted to start thinking ahead. Hence, I decided to go back to school, put a plan together.  Taking this course opened me up to an entire new way of approaching social media for business and building my personal brand. I developed confidence using social media platforms to make comments and posts. It is a lot of work, but I am enjoying learning the tools to brand myself and connecting to people in communities that share the same interest.  Rediscover self is a breath of fresh air in this dark period we are in.

As I close, how have you rediscovered “self” in the last 8 months?


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