The Blog Revolution Will Not Be Televised

How many times have you heard mainstream media mention the word blog this week? Probably never, because you either cut your television cable subscription or you were passed a remote in hand, at someone’s home from a previous generation. The blog is disruptive and opens new markets for the unknown 50 percenters. There has never been an economic or marketing term, that defines the 50 percenters in terms of individuals, belonging to a certain type of consumer class cohort more likely to buy unique items based on blogs.

I thought that creating a new term to define the 50 percenter consumer class, is the avant-garde way of creating a class of consumer before it even exists. My abstract observations sometimes end up uncovering a trend that exists in the marketplace that has yet to be tapped. Several years ago, I began to keep tabs on the age of individuals in my circle of influence that were more likely to purchase from obscure online shops. I found that people 40 years of age and under, were more likely to shop on Etsy or IndieMade, than someone who was above 40. With my limited anecdotes I further deduced that 40 roughly translates to the median age of an individual. So, I chose to define the younger half as the 50 percenters. Albeit, the 50 percenters can include anyone of any age, one day we will update this post with a survey to back up this unproven theory. You might eventually find that you are one of them. They are the ones that are more likely looking for that uniqueness that only exists outside of the mainstream and inside the blogosphere. The irony is that while the mainstream wants to sell big brands to the other half on the TV network, they use content like Dragon’s Den as a counter balance, to prove that the Queen of QVC can sell your wonderful unique items to the TV generation.

Are my unique products influenced by the Blogosphere or Mainstream TV?
Image By Matthew Lightstorm

I think we can say that the veil has been lifted, as in the Wizard of Oz, when it comes to deciding who influences trends for unique products. The blogs have won the battle of selling unique products back to the consumer with a particular taste and discernment. So the question remains; what will we call the other hypothetical 50% that are staunch mainstream buyers? I think time will tell on how consumer behaviours will shift, as more individuals begin to read posts like these, but the Blog Revolution Will Not Be Televised (Scott-Heron, 1974, track 1).


Gil Scott-Heron (1974). The Revolution Will Not Be Televised. On The Revolution Will Not Be Televised [vinyl LP]. USA: Flying Dutchman Records.


 The Blog Revolution Will Not Be Televised -How do you buy your products? #etsy #indiemade


  The Blog Revolution Will Not Be Televised #etsy #indiemade How do you buy your products

7 thoughts on “The Blog Revolution Will Not Be Televised

  1. moviemystic | May 20, 2020 at 10:34 am
    I love the angle and you’ve got a unique voice well suited for the internet!

  2. Matthew Lightstorm | May 21, 2020 at 4:08 am
    Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed. I really enjoyed writing this piece as I tried to evoke some of the gut feelings I get when I look at the world of blogging and wonder how it seems like there is another half of the world that is unaware of the other choices. I’m glad we got to write about any social media topic. I think the abstract ideas we can draw from what we perceive as humans coupled with our own natural ability to form inferences, makes blogging the abstract art of literature.

  3. Elisabeth Lemieux | May 22, 2020 at 8:41 am
    Hey Matt!
    This was a very insightful, original and easy read! This is something that I (and I think a lot of others) haven’t really thought about. I’m looking forward to reading more of your writings, and to see what the future holds for the remaining 50% known as “staunch mainstream buyers”!

  4. Matthew Lightstorm | May 22, 2020 at 9:57 am
    Hey Elisabeth!! I am glad you enjoyed reading my opinions and insights. I think if there is a group that exists which we can call “staunch main stream buyers” they would be considered the untapped market. There are many trends that emerge unexpectedly, where prior data could not have predicted the outcome. This aspect of the market should be exciting for all of us interested in social media. Cheers!!

  5. Such an insightful observation. Like others I hadn’t really considered this. It will be interesting to see how things evolve. Thanks for sharing.

  6. This is a great blog! Well written, good graphics, and very well thought out! I really look forward to reading your future posts!

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