COM0014 – Blog #7: Personal Reflection

As I look back at these past few months, I recall some of the highlights of this course for my own professional development. One of the key points that stuck with me is to always have a specific goal before you start writing and stick to it throughout your story. Another interesting concept was the power of a close relationship between personal and corporate branding. I still struggle to see how my personal brand can be used in concert with that of my department.  

I had the opportunity to discover that storytelling takes many shapes. It was not so obvious to me that a lot of content, especially content that was of interest to me, was a form of storytelling. This is obviously important because it creates a connection between the audience and the storyteller. It creates a more intimate relationship between a potential customer and a business. I realize that companies can manipulate its target audience by using great storytelling.

This course provided me with insight to address the challenge of creating online content for a broad audience. The use of simple, clear and concise language as well as using an active voice and making zero mistakes may just be the trick.

I aspire to continue developing my storytelling skills as it is an essential part of my job as a communications officer. The main type of stories we publish on our channels is generally international development success stories. We like seeing the concrete success of our partner’s hard work on the field. My team and I wish to share these amazing stories and photos with all Canadians. This course has given me a chance to learn a lot about digital communications. I have been able to take these lessons and apply them to my day-to-day work.

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