COM0014 – Blog #6: Do people know your story?

What is the greatest challenge your business must overcome?

First, I must admit that I do not and likely will never work for a business. However, I do work for the federal government. This has its fair share of challenges. Recently, my Minister was shuffled into a new position. All our communications products had to change overnight. Additionally, we have many guidelines and strict policies we must adhere to when communicating to the public.

These are just a couple examples, but if I had to choose a specific challenge that continues to be a central focus for my team. I would have to admit that the creation of content that maintains the interest and even participation of the public.

We have been trying out new things and checking the analytics of the success of each post over a period of time. We have been trying to see why some content fails while others succeed. Sometimes even outside forces overshadow some of our content. What I mean is that we have seen a drop in engagements and even impressions when big world events happen at the same time.

We have been challenging ourselves to trying different approaches. We have been writing success for projects funded internationally. We made sure to have excellent quality visuals on all posts from photos, videos, infographics, GIFs, etc. We have been pushing interactions with the public by doing trivia and even trying to get people to participate in a photo challenge.

I believe in my field of work, the challenge will always to be to create, maintain and even grow our following. The challenge of having the best content on a regular basis is a pretty difficult challenge.

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