COM0014 – Blog No. 4 – Life Without Dogs . . .

A B2C Social Media analysis. This blog will be somewhat a self-critique. The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of South Western Ontario is dedicated to the promotion of the breed standard, the working heritage of the breed, and protecting the interests of the breed all in a fun, friendly and active environment enabling its members to enjoy their Berner friends and family members.

I am a part of the social media team for this club. I am able to make changes to our website and make Facebook posts on a fairly regular basis when we have upcoming events and news releases.

When I first became active in the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of South Western Ontario their social media presence was barely visible – they had 308 followers on Facebook (which was about 18 months ago). Today, they are approaching 775. This has been a victory to earn more followers. The efforts have consisted of posts that included pictures/graphics and text – this seemed to attract more people to stop and have a look at what was happening at the time of the post.  The website is consistent with the Facebook posts, many of the visuals used on the Facebook page are also being used on the website. Updates are done simultaneously.

Most of the events that are promoted are for dog shows and fun activities. People will go to this club’s social media to find out more information about these events, such as when and where.

The critique comes from not providing enough information on the breed and where people can go to find out where to locate a respectable breeder, suggestions for feeding, fun activities to do with your Berner, etc. I would like to provide this information on all social media and to find out maybe if Twitter might be an avenue to explore, especially leading up to the events that are being advertised on other social media platforms and possibly start a Blog, although people can comment on the Facebook page.  I feel that there can be more social media activities done for this club. Learning about the social media possibilities makes you want to try some of them out and see what responses you get and if something can help promote this Club more.

Who could have a Life Without Dogs . . .


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