COM0014 – Blog No. 3 – Young or Old, They’re Good as Gold

Target Audience

Young or Old, They’re Good as Gold

My hobby is an extremely niche one – Bernese Mountain Dogs. In researching for a target audience many different search words were used in Google Trends and Twitter Search. I realized at some point through this exercise just how niche it is. Twitter search came up with probably hundreds of individuals who own a Bernese Mountain Dog and maybe just a few groups or clubs relating to Berners. The searches (e.g. #berners, #bernese, #bmds, to name a few) would be a good place to follow like-minded people.

The Google Trends search turned up a little more information than Twitter on the demographics of this particular Bernese Mountain Dog search. It was able to give me information on the Interest By Region, some Related Topics and Related Queries see examples below (top 5).

Interest By Region

Canada                                              100

Ireland                                               85

United States                                    69

Australia                                            57

New Zealand                                     52

Related Topics

Breed – Bernese Mountain            100

Dog – Animal                                    100

Mountain Dog – Topic                     30

Puppy – Animal                                25

Breed-Organism Classification      5

Related Queries

Puppies                                             100

Puppy – BMD                                    95

BMD – Puppy                                    80

Dogs                                                   80

Bernese Mountain Dog                  55

There are several clubs that maintain Facebook Pages – this is where I would start listening to clues about my audience and to get to know their communities as they are throughout Canada and the United States. I currently follow most if not all North American Bernese Mountain Dog Facebook Group Pages. My heart project – the Blood Collection Project for Bernese Mountain Dogs that I spoke about in my Assignment 2 this is a Canada wide project to get blood samples from Berners across the country to be used for research into diseases that affect this breed – this is where news would travel the quickest and where I would go to get the word out. As well as directing professionals (vets, members of Berner-Garde, and MSU) to follow our communities to learn more about our Berners and the ailments that are affecting them. The owner of these big beautiful “bears” talk about all things good and the horrible things that we experience. This breed only has an average lifespan of only 7-9 years – not long enough for any us.

I would use the data from Facebook as an indication whether or not people were talking about this project, if they are sharing the information and if they are inquiring about the project. The people who scour social media about this breed are from all different age groups, ethnic backgrounds and have differing reasons for doing so, pet owner or breeder. We have fun in our local Facebook Group and hopefully, every other Group does as well. It takes all kinds of people.

Young or old, they’re good as gold – all the people who make up the Berner world.

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