COM0014: Blog #7 – The art of storytelling

StorytellingStorytelling has been practiced for thousands of years and has been crucial for the human race in many ways, especially in education and culture. We’ve adapted the way we tell stories – some long, some as short as a 140-character tweet – but stories themselves haven’t lost their significance.

In a world that has become so saturated with stories, it’s more difficult than ever for yours to be heard (and even more so to ensure that it’s shared amongst others). So how do you make sure your digital content stands out? Tell a story that your audience wants to hear and that will guide them to act, even if it’s as simple as clicking the “share” button on Facebook. Get to know your audience on a number of levels: their likes and dislikes, their hobbies, their age, gender and culture. And get to know yourself or your company: what are your goals and what do you want your audience to do after reading your content? These elements will help guide your content. Your stories should be a marriage of what you want to accomplish and what your audience is interested in.

And don’t forget that stories can be found anywhere. Everyone’s different and has their own story to tell or a different perspective on a story you already know. It’s important not just to focus on getting to know your company from a business perspective, but getting to know the people who make the company run on a daily basis and the customers who use the company’s services or products. That’s where the best stories lie – the human side.

Craft your stories in a way that will catch your audiences’ attention – make them believe, make them feel and make them act. When it comes down to it, remember to be honest, be transparent and be human. And never stop telling your stories.

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