COMM0014: Blog #1 – Out West is Best.

With the promise of a new year, I’ve been thinking about the first place I’d like to visit for travel as soon as it’s safe. Coincidentally, this destination is also the last place I visited before travel essentially ceased.

I love exploring out west. One of my oldest friends moved to Calgary, Alberta a few years ago and it’s been my goal to visit as much as possible ever since.

My last trip out West was in May of 2019. This trip was particularly special because we decided to take a road trip and visit Kelowna, British Columbia instead of just spending all of our time in Banff, Alberta.

The drive from Calgary to Kelowna is approximately seven hours and it covers some of the most picturesque views I’ve ever seen. So, like any good road trip we packed the car with our things, snacks, some tunes and hit the road.

Fast forward seven hours and we arrived at our Airbnb. Kelowna is GORGEOUS (and very warm) so we were immediately smitten with our destination. While in town, our only goals were to spend our mornings hiking and our afternoons hitting the local wineries (ps. if you love wine, put Kelowna on your must-visit list).

We immediately found a local winery that we loved called The Hatch. This winery was within walking distance to our Airbnb so it was a perfect place to accommodate our tipsy travels home. As the wine newbie, I had no idea what to expect from a winery; but I have to say the friendly staff and the tasty wine at The Hatch converted me completely. I even considered moving to Kelowna to work at The Hatch for the summer because I loved it so much!

After a full weekend (literally, my stomach was always full) of hiking, wine tasting and soaking up the sun we made our way back to Calgary. Shortly after our return, it was time for me to head back to Ontario and return to everyday life. I’m grateful to have a friend that’s willing to adventure and truly appreciate any time that we’re able to see each other. Until the next adventure!

I’d love to know more about your last vacation, feel free to leave me a comment down below with the last place you visited and why it was special.