Al – COM0014 – S21 – Assignment 1

My last vacation was spent in Cuba from December 28th 2018 to January 6th 2019. I can already imagine that you might think that I spent an amazing time soaking sun on a beach while seeping mojitos, smoking Cohibas, and eating great Caribbean food but actually, this trip was stressing. A little bit of background information: this trip was my 6th to the island. I even had the opportunity to stay 10 months on my 5th trip, so I was no stranger to the customs or making my way around the cities.

As I mentioned before, my wife, kids, and I landed on December 28th at the Varadero airport and from there, we had to make our way to La Habana. For some reason, we had a really hard time to get a bus to our destination. Usually there are always available seats but because it was end of the year, reservations were harder to come by. I will admit that 1) we had decided to travel at the very last minute and 2) I didn’t realized how much my wife wanted to do during this trip. The big thing for me was that I had to be at work on January 7th at 9:00 am sharp!

Since before leaving Canada, I was under the impression that we were going to stay in La Habana which is close to Varadero where our return flight was on January 6th. But once we arrived to La Habana, my wife started planning to go to Guantanamo and Baracoa.

Did I mention that we were at the end of the year and that reservation for travelling was near impossible? Well that didn’t deter my wife. After a few bribes, two seats on the bus for a one-way-trip were magically made available to us and on December 30th, we were on our way to Guantanamo. I am not foreign to the idea of bribing people to get things moving but I was very worried about not being able to make our way back to La Habana for at least January 4th.

After 16 hours on a bus with my wife, our 4 years old daughter and our other 7 months old daughter, we arrived to Guantanamo and started to prepare to celebrate the end of the year with the locals. The festivities were actually really good. People were dancing, eating, drinking, socializing (a concept that seems very foreign to me now due to Covid). We welcomed the new year on a very high note (pun not intended).

On January 2nd, we went to the bus station to inquire about our chances to get two seats for a return trip to La Habana. To my horror, there were virtually no more seats available until January 12th! Waiting for this long would have meant missing our return plane trip and me missing my returned date to work (which I could not afford to do). At that point my wife suggested: “well, since we are already here, might as well try to go to Baracoa and see if we can get a return trip to La Habana from there”. This idea was desperate but also very calculated. Usually, the trip from La Habana to Guantanamo is made by a bus that actually goes all the way to Baracoa. Meaning that if you can guarantee a return ticket from Baracoa, there is a good chance that you will actually be able to go all the way to La Habana. The only big problem was that Baracoa was 3 hours away from Guantanamo… Meaning that we were now looking at a bus trip of 19 hours with a 4 years old and a 7 months old.

We went for it. We travelled from Guantanamo to Baracoa, stayed there one day, and the next day (January 4th) we travelled from Baracoa in the afternoon all the way to La Habana. We arrived at destination the morning of January 5th and we immediately asked for two seats on a bus leaving the next day from La Habana to Varadero. We rested in the capital for one day and on January 6th, we took a 2 hours bus trip to return to Varadero and in the afternoon, we were on our return flight to Canada.

Looking back at this trip, I don’t think that I would ever do this kind of trip again.

I am not a Blogger!

Congratulations everyone, this will be the last Blog that we will have to write for this course. I will be the first one to admit that I have learned a lot through the course, namely how to write Blogs. All throughout the course, I have been keeping a secret from everyone. That secret is: I AM NOT A BLOGGER! Truth be told, I was not a stranger to what a Blog or Blogging mean, just that I was never really interested in doing some myself. For years, I have been a loyal follower of a web page called The Channel from Ingenium through which I have learned a lot about artifacts, history, and special events relating to museums. But, as I said earlier: I AM NOT A BLOGGER! I cannot stand writing down my ideas nor proof reading afterwards.

Image from

Everyone have their own preferences and believe me, I am not trying to push my convictions on others. I used to love reading until I discovered a different way. This game changing medium was audio! Audiobooks have given me a new perspective to how to consume digital content. When I do my house chores or my daily commute, it is very hard for me to read. With audiobooks, I can listen to whatever topic I choose and go on with my daily tasks.

How audiobooks are recorded – Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

So, due to my affinity to audiobooks instead of blogs, I know that I would be better suited to be a podcaster instead.

Photo by Tea Oebel from Pexels

I would actually love doing podcasts. Being able to offer to others great content using a medium that I already love would make it easier for me to enjoy and I know that I would be more passionate about it.

So I ask you my dear readers, which of those two forms of digital mediums would you choose? Please participate in the poll or leave me a comment down below.

Great things we owe to social media?

Social media is such an amazing invention! It feeds off our need to connect with others and allow us to stay close to our family members, our friends, our coworkers, even animals. But is a life immersed in social media really that great?

I personally use mostly 1 social media platform: Facebook. I created my account 14 years ago and it is through it that I have kept my family members and friends up to date about my life. I went back to my albums of pictures and I was really surprised at how many pictures I took and shared. Mark Zuckerberg could literally come to my house and pretend to be my best friend and knowing me by citing all of my achievements and best moments as well of all of my failures. Thanks to Facebook, I have reconnected with people I knew all the way back to kindergarten. I do have Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, but I rarely use them. If you were to talk to my wife, she would assure you that I spend way too much much in front of the small screen. I will concede that whenever I hear my phone’s notification sound, I instinctively unlock it and look for the new content.

Photo by Keira Burton from Pexels

According to Dr. Larry Rosen, checking social media over and over again is a form of attention-seeking.

How about on Instagram and Tik Tok where videos are 30 seconds long ? This is creating a behavior in people where they can only focus on something for less than 30 seconds at a time. Instead of living in a community, we each start to live in our own little bubble, not letting anyone in.

Photo by Keira Burton from Pexels

Nowadays, kids as young as 2 years old can be seeing with their parents’ smartphone streaming content. One must ask about what kind of future will those kids have? An article from the Child Mind Institute suggests that those kids will grow up having to deal with more anxiety, lower self esteem, and will be more prone to cyberbullying.

Maybe it is time to put the phone, tablet, laptop away and experience time with your family, friends, loved ones in a more face-to-face setting (while practicing social distancing of course)

Thank you for reading me and please share with me your comments below.


COM001 – Blog 2 – Are we really allowed to be ourselves on social media?

The world of social media is constantly moving, changing, evolving… But through all of those changes, are we really showing our individualities? Is what we show to the world a real mirror of who we are?

Social media is a place full of potential. Where in the real world you would be limited by the amount of friends you have, the quantity of stores in your neighbourhood/city, or how far you can physically travel in one day, going online expose us to everything and everywhere at the same time (given of course that they are present on the web). But instead of using this wonderful tool to freely promote our individuality, ourselves, we have to check and double-check our content to make sure that whatever we post has been filtered for what might come across as racist, inappropriate, tone deaf, offensive, unsuitable, promoting hate, aggressive, etc.

With how easy it is for someone to go from famous and accepted to a social pariah (example Letitia Wright after she shared an antivaccine video on Twitter, followed by a series of tweets supporting where she stood on the issue –, can we really afford to really be ourselves in the eyes of the world?

Personally I do not think that I can really be myself on social media. My main social media platform of choice is Facebook but I will use Twitter and Instagram on occasions. I will repost articles that I find interesting or can be of general interest to my friends/followers, but I will rarely comment or take a stance towards those articles. Most of my posts are upbeat and positive messages. If you were to follow me on social media, you would think that I’m always positive, optimistic, happy guy, easy to get along with. I am all of this (and I’m sure that you my readers are too) but it is impossible to always be positive, optimistic, happy and easy to get along. I never show my true side (balance between good and bad side) on social media. Only a handful of people (my real life friends) really know me or my real view on things.

In recent years, I have seen more and more people adding to their profile “views are my own” and we must honestly ask ourselves “Are they really?”

I would love to hear your thoughts on my topic. Please leave me a comment below.

COM0011 – Blog #1: To Social or not to Social

We now live in a world were anywhere you are or whatever you do, somehow you get exposed to social media. I honestly can’t remember the last time I put down my smartphone. If you are like me, the type of person to always be on the look-out for news, then social media is a dream come true. There are so many platforms readily available and free to use! But with great power comes great responsibility… and one of those responsibilities include knowing if we should publish/post/share/retweet/repost what we access through our smartphones.

As I said earlier, I love being on social media. Being able to access all of my contacts at the same time and share with them information is just incredible! I am far from being an influencer but I do try to bring some type of joy to my social circle by sharing usually funny memes, videos, or jokes. I usually keep things light and stay far away from sensitive subjects. My platform of choice is Facebook but I have started to spread myself on Twitter and Instagram.

In the right hands, those platforms are powerful tools. In the wrong hands, the results can be catastrophic.

Famous people rely on social media to maintain their fanbase and their posts have the potential to influence masses. The Kadarshians have realized early on that potential by monetizing their own accounts and publish all of their lives on various social media platforms (

Not a famous person? Not a problem. You can still climb your way up to the social media ladder to become an influencer and tap into the money making machine by selling likes, promoting posts or pictures.

Image by Julius Silver from Pixabay (example of pictures that could have been sold for money)

And then there is the other side of the potential of social media. Those platforms can make you famous quickly, earning you lots of money, but they can also end your fame and make you loose lots of money.

Take for example actress Letitia Wright. Playing Princess Shuri in the highly successful Black Panther movie, alongside Chadwick Boseman, she quickly rose to international fame status. With the unfortunate passing of Chadwick Boseman, Marvel fans were hoping that her onscreen character would pick up the mantle, thus making her the new Black Panther. Her chances were looking very favorable on November 2020 but, unfortunately, one anti-vaccine Twitter post made on December 2020 has now even jeopardized her chances to star in the next installation of the franchise. Since then, she has apologized for her post and even went as far as completely deleting her Twitter account.

Social media is a great medium that has been unlike anything we have ever seen so far. In the past, you were limited to how far your voice could carry (when talking to a crowd), how fast your message would travel to get to someone (regular mail all the way to the telephone), how far you were for people to receive your message (radio). With the internet, you are instantly connected to a network of billions of people 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! This means that there are potentially billions of eyes and ears paying attention to what you write, say, do, or don’t write, don’t say, don’t do.

Please leave a comment below to let me know your impressions about what I wrote. Looking forward to reading you!