COM0014 – Blog #2: Reflection On What I Learnt This Week

This blog will be my thoughts on the Inverted Pyramid or Triangle. It is a very interesting approach on how to write a blog and I have mixed feelings about it. As I was writing this article, reflecting what what I learned this week, I can’t deny that it isn’t a bad approach to writing blogs.

It is a pretty good approach that helps a writer start their blog. It is a really good template to follow. It reminds me of all of the basics that I have learned from writing essays and news articles in middle School.

For example, in the first paragraph. While learning how to write both essays and news articles, they always talked about how the first paragraph is important to hook the reader. For the inverted pyramid approach, it is the same. The first paragraph is very crucial to hook and keep a reader attention.

Photo Taken by Skylar Kang Via

The Mixed Feelings

The only problem that I have with this approach that is giving me mixed feelings has nothing really to do with the approach. It has to do with a lesson that I had learned in middle school about news articles. As I learned how to write news articles for the first time, my teacher was really clear that no feelings or emotions go into it. A news article must be all facts. This is the one thing that is giving me mixed feelings. This one thing the teacher had said.

Why? It gives mixed feelings because the inverted pyramid approach sounds really similar to the approach that the teacher taught my class about news articles. While I write blogs, I want to put my emotions into my words because, to me, a blog is personal. A blog is something that you write about your feelings, emotions, and yourself. But a news article is something that is fact and not from a person or their emotions.

It is just this one small moment in my life that is brothering me when ever I write a blog. When I think about writing a blog, for some reason I keep going back to that class where I learned about news articles. I am not sure why, but I sort of writing with that lesson in mind. But then I realized where I am basing my blog and realize that I have to add emotion and first person because it is a blog, not a news article.


Although this hasn’t really affected my blogs at all. All of my blogs seem fine and have emotion. They aren’t what I had in the part of my mind thinking about news articles. They turn out like a blog. So maybe this isn’t really a big thing that bothers me, but something more that I think about from time to time. Maybe it is just something my mind connects together and says “Huh, this is weird”. And then I can not stop thinking about it. But who knows about that, since it is all in my head.

Photo taken by Anete Lusina via

While writing this blog post, I tried to keep the inverted pyramid in mind. It made me change the topic of my blog multiple times and I still don’t think I have warped up my mixed feelings on this topic, if I still have them. After writing this blog, I have come to a conclusion about my mixed feelings. The inverted pyramid is an interesting approach to writing, but happens to come close to a subject that I have mixed feelings about. I have no mixed feelings about the inverted pyramid itself.

Did you also have similar thoughts on the inverted pyramid approach? So you find it weird how blogs and new articles are similar in writing approaches?

2 thoughts on “COM0014 – Blog #2: Reflection On What I Learnt This Week

  1. I find it interesting that I am not the only one that was challenged with this weeks blog. For some reason, it seemed harder this week than last. I do like how we have 4 blogs to write during this course in order to find our ‘voice’. I am definitely trying to find it. I’m not too sure yet of my style of blogging and what I like to blog about. I’m a little confused with the pyramid style and just need to process it and I think keep blogging! I’m sure by our 4th blog we will all have our ‘voice’ down pat and blogging will seem natural!

    • It seems like you aren’t in my class, but it is good that you are trying to find your voice. For one of my past classes, where I had to blog for the first time, It was hard to come up with ideas and write my blogs. But I found out that if I just kept writing, I was able to write good blogs. So my advice is to try and find a topic that you understand and doesn’t feel like a chore to write. Keep rewriting your blog until it feel right, or as close to right as it could. It could take some time to feel right about all of your blogs, so just keep trying. This is only my 6th blog, so take my advice with that in mind.

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