COM0014 – Blog Post #6: Do People know your Story ?               October 21, 2023

Why did I start my business, the blog, you ask ? Thanks for asking, as the answer may be different than you might have expected. If you look out at the social media landscape today, it probably looks like bloggers are all in it for the money, to get rich. Looking at the many influencers out there, and especially the political ones, it must look like rage sells. Thankfully, that’s not me.

            I do want people to read my blogs, and admit that some level of readership will derive some financial gain, but there are so many bloggers and podcasts available today, if money is my motivation, I will die poor. Instead, I want to tell Boomers a story that you enjoy, that makes you think, that entertains you to the extent that you wind up pondering the message in a new light.

            Now, mention of a message can scare Boomers away, and being a Boomer myself, I understand that we have been advertised to forever, had the heart strings pulled in all directions, and sometimes just want to relax with a stimulating read that stretches your thinking. Hopefully, it also puts a smile on your face.

            To return to your query, my motivations are many. I like to read, enjoy the pain of writing, work to keep the concrete out of my brain as I age, and am interested in the world today, especially how it might evolve going forward. This all coalesces into wanting to push Boomers to get off the couch, and get involved in your neighbourhood, or follow your interests, like volunteering, or consider helping a family member with a hand up.  Be part of the solution, not a benchwarmer in your life. It’s one of the best ways I know to grow your own happiness. Please let me know what you might consider as a starting place for this journey, and share your direction in the comments below.



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