How Social Media Allows Adults and Kids to Enjoy TV Shows and Movies For Free 

Ever since social media came out, cable has started to die. More and more people have found that they like to use online services over cable. Even my family only has a television for the news. So, TV show companies have started to lose money. Which means that they have started to turn to different options than just television.

One option that I have seen more often as the years passed by, is that TV show companies are putting their own shows online. Whether it be for free or for money, they have started to put tv shows online for people to watch. It is one of the ways that TV companies have decided to use against online services. 

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One of the top social media sites that I have seen these companies put their shows on is YouTube. Since YouTube is a popular video sharing site, it is easy enough to use for their own purposes. They have every season of their shows and even some movies. Some of their content is even free. But a lot of it costs money. 

Paid Shows and Movies on Social Media.

Since they have made those shows and movies in the first place to make money, it makes sense that it costs to watch them. You can use your own money to buy or rent shows and movies. For example, you can buy or rent movies. You can buy them forever, only to be seen on YouTube or you can rent them for a short time, only to be seen on YouTube. But you must pay to watch TV shows, and there is no rent option. Also, you must pay for each season individually. 

But not all the shows and movies on YouTube cost money. Some of them are free. Most of the paid shows and movies are either popular or brand new. These shows and movies are the ones that people would already spend money to see anywhere else. 

Free Shows and Movies on Social Media

Like I said before, some companies have their shows and movies online for free. But most of these are older movies and shows. I don’t know why the older shows and movies are most likely to be free, but they are. I think they are free because they are older. Since they are older, people aren’t as likely to spend money on them. So, they might as well make them free and get money on it from in another way. But that is just my opinion. 

While there aren’t a lot of free shows on YouTube, there are some. Most of them are old children cartoon TV shows. I have used YouTube to watch some of these for free myself. For movies, you can either watch them for free or for free with ads. 


You might be asking why this is important. Why should I care that old shows are free to watch on YouTube? The answer is the newer generation. Adults can use YouTube to watch the older shows that they have enjoyed when they were young and watch them with their kids. The adults will also be able to remember their childhood and have fun. 

For myself, I would love to go back and watch the shows I watched as a child, but I never really found the time. I didn’t want to go and look for the DVDs that I own. But one day, I was looking around on YouTube, and I saw that a TV company was live streaming some of the TV shows I liked watching when I was a child. So, I watched the stream. I liked rewatching the show and had fun.  

Photo by Ksenia Chernaya via

While cable and television are dying out, the old TV shows and movies aren’t. They are finding new life on social media with newer audiences. They are helping adults connect and have fun with their kids. TV companies might be making money on these older shows, but they are still allowing their audience to have fun and make new memories. 

Have you seen any free shows on social media recently? After reading this blog, did you want to go and watch old shows from your childhood? Have you ever watched any shows on social media? 

Facebook: Looking for something to watch with your kids for free?

X: Haven’t you had anything to watch with your family? #TVshow #free 

2 thoughts on “How Social Media Allows Adults and Kids to Enjoy TV Shows and Movies For Free 

  1. Great post Kelsey! I was watching a show on TikTok with my partner the other day. It is crazy how a good quality show is not on streaming anywhere but, can be found in multiple parts on TikTok.

  2. Good point. Personally, I’m happy to have access through YouTube to watch, as you said, shows I watched when I was young, share with my children and show them part of my story, and it’s true, YouTube, in particular, is making that possible. Thanks!

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