COM0014 – Blog Post #5: Personal  Brand                          October 14, 2023

As a person who worked in the business world for forty years, I have been poked and prodded, tested and analyzed, thru much iteration of social theories on development. In essence, most of us are a collection of traits and characteristics, somewhere on the matrix of human traits. Also, as we age, these characteristics can evolve from real life experiences and gained knowledge.

                Personally, some of the qualities that set me apart from my competitors are my curiosity, my sense of humour, and a knack of seeing how unrelated facts or ideas really tell a story.  

                Lately, what has stood out is my running a small business, even though I am retired. I also continue my education in subjects ( like social media ) that interest me. Both items are looked upon as hard to do. My response is that I am trying to keep the concrete out of my brain, to keep my mental acuity as sharp as it can me. No CoQ10 for me ! For some friends, this seems like the opposite of retirement, something they work long to achieve. Alas, it seems navel glazing is a growing Boomer past-time. Lastly, with a wife of 46 years and a loving family, I would be remiss if I did not mention that I am proud of being a moral and kind person that has achieved that ongoing accomplishment.

                Determining my best trait is colleague dependent, as I try to deal with people individually. As in the matrix example mentioned above, each of my traits is valued differently by different people. Generally, my curiosity would seem to be my best trait, with my humor being a close second. For example, taking a social media program because of my interest in understanding how it works, potentially to rekindle my blog writing, is valued by my friends. They think I am crazy to be going back to school at my age, but do appreciate the tidbits of gained knowledge I share with them. It keeps me interesting. That, and my ability to find humor in any situation should cover my best traits.

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