COM0014 – Blog Post #1: What I Did on My Vacation               September 17, 2023

Cold and wet! Not the words you want or expect to hear when someone is asked about their summer vacation. All year we heard about global warming, lots of hot weather periods on our continent, with dry conditions really exacerbating our normal fire season. Unfortunately, my first vacation visit to the lake cottage for the usual first week in July was met with bugs, cold and clouds every day. The only things happy with the weather were the bugs.

            We opened the cottage in early May, as the snow in the Gatineau Hills had receded earlier than normal. There were no bugs yet as we exited the car wondering, as always, if the shack we called a cottage would still be upright and intact again this year. Being over 75 years old, and with re-build plans in the works, each year of use was a bonus.  Snow and storms can wreck any building, but we were pleasantly relieved to realize we had another year enjoying the beautiful spring fed mountain lake. The large screened-in porch guaranteed few bugs inside, and a dry place to socialize.

            The first week on July promised a meeting of my three brothers and me. One brother, who has Parkinson’s, could only stay for a few days, so we hurried up our catching up.  It was heartening to see him get down to the lake for swims, something we had all been doing since childhood, then depressing to see him have to go home early, the disease robbing him quickly of his strength, and slowly of his life.  

            Later in July, I did do a week alone, trying to sleep with thoughts of bear attacks in my dreams. There has not been a bear sighting in decades, but that fact is easily pushed aside by a vivid imagination. It’s a little disconcerting having nowhere to go except maybe the car, if a bear does makes an appearance. 

            The highlight of the summer was the arrival of my sister and her family, from California. Why they want to travel red-eye to visit a bug infested shack in northern Quebec remains a mystery, but one we are all glad they do. The 10 days flew by. My sister is a chef by trade, and conjured up an amazing menu of dishes, basically turning whatever Costco provided into gourmet dining.

            Labor Day weekend is traditionally the end of summer, when the docks come out, and thinks get put away. To my surprise, it was the best heat of the summer, so we delayed the work until Monday, and partied all weekend. As I finally drove away down the lane, facing a busy September with family weddings and a new course, I knew that my cottage summer was over. While the weather had not co-operated, I had enjoyed all the family and friends get-togethers, and was already thinking of a sun vacation this winter. To that end, I would appreciate any assist you would give, letting me know your favorite sun destinations. I am always looking for new places to visit, and would appreciate any ideas you might put in the comments below.

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