Social media: information highway

I think I can confidently say that we’ve all had times when we don’t know where to start in a project or event planning and turned to social media for help. In fact, this has happened to be at LEAST a dozen times in the last week alone! As I plan my weddings (yes, plural, because we have grandparents who can’t travel), I realize I know nothing about planning such a big event like that – much less my own! So, to Google I went, looking for blogs, TikTok videos, YouTube DIYs, and really anything that could help me with this massive task.

A photo of my fiance and me last November – our engagement photoshoot!

I first came across a TikTok account called BTS Event Management, a company that specializes in wedding planning worldwide. On this account, I found inspiration for welcome boards, centrepieces, and general decorations I would want for my own wedding. Then, I came across another TikTok account called BySweetNothing, who specializes in wedding favours and wedding trinkets. This page gave me inspiration for my own wedding favours, for a DIY that I plan on gifting my bridesmaids on the day of my wedding, and on a gift I want to give my dad on that day as well. I mean, those “Mint To Be” mini tic tac packs? Yes, puh-lease.

Once I decided on the right DIY to gift my bridesmaids and maid of honour, I had to go to YouTube and learn how to embroider just so I could embroider their names and a few flowers on a small beach bag. I gotta say, once you get over how many times you stab yourself with the needle, it’s actually quite enjoyable and yields a beautiful result! Not to mention I’m pretty proud of the result.

My work-in-progress bridesmaid gift bags (2 out of 5!)

All this to say, social media really is your friend if you’re doing something you’ve never done before or want to learn something new – you just have to type and press “Enter.”

Have you learned something through social media? Did you find it easy?

Facebook: What’s one thing you learned through social media platforms that you’ve never done before? I’ll go first:

Twitter: What did #socialmedia teach you? My #blog explains my lessons here:

One thought on “Social media: information highway

  1. Wow the gift bags turned out stunning! I have learned from so many D.I.Ys or tutorials on TikTok too. Most of them are hair styling videos that I use everyday.

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