Should I buy this?-Bethany Pollard COM0011

If you’ve been anywhere on social media, whether it be YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, or anywhere else, you likely know about influencers getting sponsored by different companies. When an influencer gets sponsored buy a company, they are being payed to promote their product, such a new computer program or an online class. Whenever you see these sponsorships, take note of how much the influencers praise the company and how there is no criticism being pushed towards the company. Although this can be great for marketing purposes, it can also create a wrong image and lead people to believe that the company is flawless or better then it actually is.

So far, I’ve seen two examples of this. A wireless set of headphones called Raycons and a mobile game called Raid Shadow Legends. Both products have a lot of promotion, specifically from Youtubers because of the sponsorships. A YouTuber named Rslash has partnered with Raycon a couple of times. Here is one of the videos that has a Raycon sponsorship:

And here is a video that is made by a channel called NerdECrafter, although this one has a Raid Shadow legends sponsorship in it:

Now, when you look at these videos, specifically the sponsorships, what do you notice? If you said how both sponsorships only say positive things about the product, then you have gotten my point. Although the YouTubers in these videos say good things about Raycons and Raid Shadow Legends, it’s clear from a quick google search that this is not the case.

Look at this post on Reddit by user u/YoviQ.

In this post, the user talks about how they got the earbuds for their birthday and how they already started having problems after only two weeks of use. Some of the problems described are, the buds slipping out at even the slightest movement. sound cutting off for no reason and the sound quality being just bad.

Now take a look at this video by RennsReviews on Youtube:

In this video, problems are brought to light about Raid Shadow Legends. Some of those problems include, repetitive game play, constant pop ups trying to get you to buy things and even a system that resembles gambling. Take note that not one of these problems, whether it be with Raycon or Raid, are ever mentioned in the sponsorships.

My point with this blog was to hopefully shed some light on how not all products are as good as your favorite influencer or Youtuber makes them out to be. Now I want you to think about this. Have you ever bought a product from a sponsorship? If so, was it better or worse then advertised?

Twitter: Think about what you’re buying. Check out Bethany’s new blog on influencer sponsorships

#Safebuying #Honestsellers #InfluencerSponsorships

Facebook: Have you ever bought a product sponsored by an influencer? Did you like it? In her next blog, Bethany talks about her thoughts on this and why it’s not completely honest with it’s clients

6 thoughts on “Should I buy this?-Bethany Pollard COM0011

  1. As soon as I read “Raycons and a mobile game called Raid Shadow Legends” I groaned. I swear every Youtuber I watch is partnered with these brands! Another brand I see mentioned a lot, more on TikTok and Instagram though, is Bang energy drinks, you cannot escape hearing about these products! I’m cautious trusting influencer recommended products, especially if they were paid to promote them. I really don’t buy anything advertised by influencers unless it is something I had already planned on purchasing and they are offering a good discount code.

    One product I can think of that I’ve bought from a sponsored post is the Ipsy makeup subscription bags. I cannot recall which influencer convinced me to make this purchase but I will say that I no longer have the subscription. It was a nice thing to get for a few months, but after about 5 or 6 months of receiving these bags I was overstocked with makeup I just didn’t need. I did like most of the products that were included, so I would say this product was on par with how it was advertised.

  2. Great thought provoking blog that was an easy read. My own blog was on influencers and reading yours brought to light something I hadn’t found in my research or considered, that endorsing a faulty product can actually ruin their credibility.

  3. Great read, Bethany!
    While before today I have not scene advertisements for the products mentioned in your blog, it most definitely got me thinking and relating to items I have scene this done for. In many cases, the hype is not all its cracked out to be. About 5 years ago, I was seeing Ipsy being advertised everywhere and since I love makeup, I quickly signed up. I looked forward to receiving my package each month however, each package would contain maybe 1 item that I would actually use day to day. After a year, I ended up with a bag of items that I may never use, essentially leading me to realize I was wasting my money. Was it that I hated the service? No. Even after a year, I would still look forward to my monthly package – it just didn’t contain any products or brands that I already had my heart set on.

  4. I found this an interesting read as I really do not know a lot about influencers. Nor do I follow any. I am an older adult who really would value the opinion on a product from my family, friends, peers, co-workers and not a stranger on social media. That being said I have googled to see product reviews but that is as a whole to see what multiple people are saying. Not just one person. As I feel everyone may have different opinions on a product but I would want to see more than one persons. I think we all need to just take influencers opinions at face value and know that there is probably money behind them giving their endorsement. Enjoyed you perspective!

  5. Couldn’t agree more.

    So many of these companies that these influencers are sponsored by, put out cheap products for insane prices. Not all, but a lot of these products crack, break, fall apart or are simply just not what was advertised. Both the influencer and the company are making a killing on selling low quality products at the expense of the viewer.

    So glad you brought attention to this!

  6. Great Blog! Influencers definitely play a huge role in what everyone buys and uses. If you see all the Youtubers you watch all using a certain product you are definitely gonna try it out.

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