COM0015 – Blog 3 – Professional Networking Now and in the Future

Photo by fauxels from Pexels

My main strategy for developing my professional network in person has been via word of mouth. I have been in the museum industry for the last 16 years and worked for 4 Canadian national museums as “Front Line Staff”! Over time I have met a lot of people whether they were visitors or professionals. This has allowed me to develop an organic network.

As for online, my network as mostly been organic too. My go-to social media platform is Facebook. Having been a member of Facebook since 2006, I have gathered a long list of friends (more than 2000) mostly composed of the connections that I did while I was meeting people as part of the “Front Line Staff” and past school colleagues.

Photo by Brett Jordan from Pexels

I realized that I should start having a stronger presence on LinkedIn, especially since it is the social media platform that is designed for professionals. In the next 6-12 months, I will update my social media profiles with an emphasis on LinkedIn. By doing this, I hope to grow my professional network.

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