COM0014 – Blog post #5: Personal Brand

What is my personal brand? Honestly, I never actually stopped everything I do daily to reflect on what my own brand is. I guess that what could be perceived as my brand depends on who you ask. I always believed that it is very hard to be truthful when one looks at himself/herself in the mirror. Therefore, I will try to define my brand through the eyes of outsiders.

Photo by Matej from Pexels

I had the wonderful surprise to talk with a childhood friend last year. He found me on Facebook and we started talking. At first I had no idea who he was, but then he started to tell me an event that involved the both of us and suddenly, the memories came back flooding. Through the story, he made me realize that I have always, from when I was in elementary school until now, been a very loyal friend. Another one of my childhood friends (high school in this case) told me that I was never causing trouble for my fellow students and I was always fun to be around.

When I was in university, my fellow students always found me to be someone on whom they could rely on, especially the girls. Since I was in a serious relationship at the time, they knew that they could be “safe” around me. A funny side story: when the movie Sex in the City came out, I had to go see it five times because five of my female friends could not convince their own boyfriends to go see it with them.

Photo by Anny Patterson from Pexels

Ever since I entered the workforce, I have had wonderful coworkers. My supervisors have always praised my hard working ethics. I have always been labelled as a very friendly, positive, polite, hard working, and highly dependable coworker. Those traits have allowed even upper management to notice me and offer me an amazing job!

My parents have always told me that I have such a great positive personality, and also how great of a son I am. I did used to fight with my siblings before but now they also see me as a very positive influence in their lives.

My wife never stops to remind me how lucky she is to have me in her life and how great of a father I am to our kids.

I do recognize a few characteristics that have remained unchanged ever since I was a child: being a very dependable and loyal friend. The rest of my positive attributes have been picked up thanks to my community and my choice of friends (university and work).

I am the product of very positive external influences. Hard work, loyalty, kindness, and dependable are characteristics that are taught and I am very thankful to have received those influences early in my life.

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