COM0014 Blog #4 – Ottawa Public Health

The Ottawa Public Health is, to me, a model to follow as a B2C business. They have been able to maintain a strong social media through their social media accounts and have even demonstrated how to gracefully recover from errors.

The Ottawa Public Health is a government agency in charge of informing people on health tips and guidance. I will show below how they have succeeded in increasing their brand awareness and their engagements towards their followers.

Twitter presence:

Being a government agency, the Ottawa Public Health is required to publish its social media content in both official languages. The agency has two Twitter accounts:

@OttawaHealth with 126.5K followers and @ottawasante with 5,523 followers, with both accounts having been created on October 2009. They publish on both channels multiple time during the day (at least three times per day) about topics relevant to the Ottawa public by using a simple friendly tone.

The content of their Tweeter posts are mostly text with media (images or videos).

Presence on Instagram

Similar to their Twitter account, the Ottawa public Health agency has a strong presence on Instagram with 39.2k followers. They are not shy to make fun of themselves

or tackle serious topics that affects our communities

The content of their Instagram posts are mostly media based (images or videos).

Presence on Facebook

Just like Twitter, they have two social media accounts on Facebook:

@ottawahealth with 59,132 followers and @ottawasante with 6,459 followers. The content published on Twitter is duplicated in Facebook.

The content of their Facebook posts are mostly text with media (images or videos). They could make better use of the increase character count that Facebook provides (versus the 280 characters limit for Twitter) but this doesn’t seem to affect their target audience.

The Ottawa Public Health is using its social media channels in the way that they were intended to be used. Their posts are well written and designed to create engagement and virality. Not all of their posts will go viral but they have found a formula that works for their target audience. Therefore, their approach is work really well.

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