COM0015 Blog Post #2 Strong and Weak Organizations


By Chris Price

Strong organization on social media

Sony PlayStation is one of the most followed brand on social media and a strong organization. PlayStation has seen a large growth on twitter of 12 million followers and 376 percent for the last five years (between 2014 to 2019) with an average of 6833 followers per day. PlayStation uses Twitter to promote their new games and new consoles. One of the reasons that PlayStation is always posting a mix of content on social media to engage their fans to buy new games and new consoles include new games trailers, game play footage and streaming events. PlayStation has recent revived positive on twitter with #playathome initiative to encourage players to stay home by downloading the video games “Uncharted: the Nathan Drake Collection” and “Journey” for free. More than ten million people have download the free games.

PlayStation has ran ton of successful campaigns in the past that won them a lot of engagement. One campaigns from 2018 #PlayStationClassic, comeback of a collection of classic games garnished them the most engagement from the gaming community on twitter and social media.

Weak organization on social media

Adidas sports apparel and shoes company in 2013 send email message for some of the runnier the Boston Marathon You survived the Boston Marathon post on twitter made them a weak organization. The emails and twitter post by Adidas were meet with backlash after three people dead and 260 injured during a terrorist bombing attack that happens during the race. The message on social media come across as tone deaf. Some marathon runners questioned Adidas that they sent the emails without realizes the aftermath of the events that took place during the end of the race. Promoted the Adidas spokesperson had to make a public apology for the “insensitive” email that were sent out to all of the marathon runners that were running in the Boston Marathon for that year.

The Adidas spokesperson statement (“We are incredible sorry, clearly there were no thought given to the insensitive email subject line we sent Tuesday. We deeply apologize for our mistake. The Boston Marathon is one of the most inspirational sporting events in the world. Every year were reminded of hope and resiliency of running community at this event.”)

The different a strong organization and weak organization social media are that the organization or company have a successful following like PlayStation or they are wise to the marketing and events and post on on social media twitter to help gain interest and you can trust them as brand names companies. Adidas sending out emails after the Boston Marathon that were a mistake that could be easily avoided by the company holding back the emails that all the marathon runners. That adidas company had to make a public apology to every one that ran in the Boston Marathon and the families of the victims that weekend.

One thought on “COM0015 Blog Post #2 Strong and Weak Organizations

  1. Hi CHRIS PRICE, I really enjoyed reading your blog.

    I do agree that sometimes, in the case of Adidas, the timing of their post was very poorly chosen but this happens to every organization. And PlayStation is not above their own controversies. Recently, they had announced that they were going to close their online services for their PS3 and Vita consoles which created such a backlash that they had to do a complete 180 on that idea =>

    Adidas and PlayStation are both very strong social media organizations and they will continue to be for the simple fact that they have legions of marketing/social media employees dedicated to protect their respective brands.

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