COM0014: Blog #6 – My Story

I would have to say that my greatest achievement to date is attending university. With tireless work and multiple jobs, I put myself through university and graduated with an Honours, Bachelor of Art and a Business Certificate. and was free of my student debt a year post grad.

As a first generation university student, I had no idea what to expect when I enrolled. Like any high school senior who’s exploring their options, I took a tour of the campus at McMaster University and completely fell in love. Unlike some of my peers, I truly had no clue what to expect when I arrived since the entire experience was new to my family as well. After navigating my way through the application process, and accepting my offer, I was on my way to being a Marauder.

Like most University students, I had many setbacks that I had to navigate throughout my post-secondary education. Due to the hefty price tag of attending University and the harsh reality that I was paying tuition (and other associated expenses) on my own, I deferred my acceptance and took a year off school to work.

A full year later, I was ready to get started. My experience as a first year student was overwhelming. Between trying to stay on top of my classes and working it was exhausting. Although my university careers wasn’t all fun and games, it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done.

What was your university experience like?

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