COM0014 Blog post # 6 – Do people know my story

by Chris Price

I am Chris Price and I aspire to be a photographer. For as long as I can remember, I have always been interested in cameras and taking pictures. I have always been taking pictures, especially when our family went on vacations and trips. Often we would go out west to visit my Grandmother who lived in Calgary. My family would go out on camping trips in Banff National Park in the summer time and times my grandmother, my aunt, uncle and cousins would join us. I enjoyed taking photographs of our relatives during out hikes on nature trails as well as taking nature and landscape photos. Banff National Park has rocky mountains, many wild animals, and spectacular canyons that are ideal for nature photographers. 

One of my challenges is that I have a learning disability. I am dyslexic and I have found it difficult to learn from just reading books and texts. I needed a lot of support from my mom and dad when I was going through school. I discovered that I am more of a visual learner and that I can overcome some of my dyslexia by learning from blogs, pictures and video demonstrations. When I was young, I learned how camera settings such as focus, F stops, shutter speeds, and white balance can affect picture quality. Later, I successfully completed a photography course at Algonquin Collage to learn more technical skills in digital photography, photoshop and printing. I also have interests in computers and other technologies. I am always trying to discover new skills and to improve and strengthen my skills.

Some of the advice I would like to share is: Work at your interests and passions to achieve your goals and find alternative ways to learn and overcome your difficulties.

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