COM0014: Blog #5 – My Personal Brand

Wow. Talking about myself has never been easy, especially since the onset of the pandemic. Throughout the past year, I find myself asking who I am, and what makes me, me. I would say that my Personal Brand is evloving as I learn more about what my passions, interests and values are.

What are some personal qualities or characteristics that set you apart from your competitors?

I would say that my ability to be flexible and adapt to changes is truly what helps me stand out. Besides that, I’m friendly, approachable and always striving to see the bigger picture.

What have you done lately to make yourself stand out?

I may be boasting, but one of my superiors actually acknowledged that I went above and beyond for my job the past few months (wow, did that feel good!). In this specific instance, I was being pretty diligent about answering customer service emails outside of the work day. I knew that this wasn’t an expectation of me or the role, however, I knew that I would be delivering the best customer service experience if all questions were answered in a timely manner.

What would your colleagues say is your best trait?

I would say that my best trait is that I’m reliable. If I need to be somewhere, or get a project completed they can trust that I’ll take care of it.

What do you do that you are most proud of?

This is easy! Honestly, the thing I’m most proud of is my relationships with my family and friends. I think if this past year has demonstrated anything, it’s that we should truly value the people that we love. Specifically, I’m the most proud of my ability to stay in touch with those individuals, and having connections that span many years.

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