COMM0014: Blog #3 Target Audience

In a previous life, I worked for the student union events department at the university I attended. In this role, I was responsible for the marketing and promotion of all events hosted by this department. These kinds of events ranged to Welcome Week concerts, to guest speakers to, Drag Bingo and club nights. It was essentially my job to build awareness and get students to come out to participate. So, how did I do it?

An important place to start was to understand who I was trying to attract attention from. In this situation, I found it was easier for me to be relateable with the content I posted since it was like speaking to my peers online.

Audience Characteristics:

  • Young Adult (18-22 years old)
  • Student
  • Low Income
  • Active online and with social media
  • Willingness to try new things
  • Various interests and cultures.

I knew that posting information to social media was a no-brainer. Content that I posted there always had to be visually appealing (including an image), clear and concise. As a student, we know that we often don’t devote a lot of time to reading the entirety of a caption ; so creating a first sentence/line that hooked them was important. Another thing I did was to pay attention to trends on social media and create posts that followed suit.

How do you connect with your target audience?

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