
Storytelling is the best way to write content for online communications.  The objective is to begin with your goal in mind. What do you want to achieve?  Ask yourself a simple question? What do you want to tell your audience and how would you like them to respond?

The Pyramid writing structure is a great tool to help you organize your thoughts. It explains the methodology to organize your ideas and outline the features for your story.  There are three simple steps to follow. Your first paragraph should create a sense of intrigue to the reader. The content in the first paragraph should make the most impact to the reader. Create a flow. This is key, it is important for you to write in order of importance and relevance.  When a story lacks order, the reader will lose interest and move on to the next.  Use interesting titles and subheadings to lead your audience to begin reading and continue to the end. Information that is least important should be left for the last. Be precise and succinct. Write down your ideas, research and write with accuracy.


 Before publishing, check spelling and grammar.  Think of this as building your reputation online as you would offline. Good grammar is also key to writing any type of content. Incorrect spelling and grammar are almost unacceptable today in the digital world because of spell check and now the new feature editor on Microsoft Word.

Good communication skills will pique the interest of readers. So, discover your writing style.  Are you more creative or technical? Determine your audience?  These are the people that will take interest in your story.  They may subscribe, share your content, or do both.  Engage with your audience.  Ask questions at the end of your blog to encourage engagement or begin a conversation. Write in the active voice to avoid a lackluster story.

What other methods do you use to write content for the online community to gain an audience?


Becoming a Digital Storyteller

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