Jamaica! Oh How I Love Thee!


January 6th 2020, I got on a plane in the early morning to meet up with my family on the beautiful Island of Jamaica, where I would stay for two weeks.  I am being biased, I am from Jamaica. I was really excited and looking forward to our vacation. It had been ten years since my last visit and our last family trip. My mom, sisters and I decided to stay one week at a resort with friends. I met up with them at the Royal Decamoran Club Caribbean resort in Runaway Bay, St. Anne’s Jamaica where we stayed one week.

From the moment I got off the plane I felt excited and relaxed both at the same time. We drove alongside the ocean, as we were being driven to our destination resort, I was chatting to another tourist visiting from Chicago, showing him the beauty of the Island and telling him what little I knew about the area. Upon arrival at the resort, there were warm greetings and I was shown where we would spend the next few days before heading off to the hills inland to spend another week with family.

We rented an ocean front cottage. Waking up in the early mornings to the sound of the ocean waves was quite peaceful, breathtaking and somewhat majestic. ( I wish that could be every morning.) It was beautiful and serene. I am not a morning person, but I do love the early mornings for the quiet and stillness.

The Decameron is not listed as a five star but it should be.  We (the guess) were taken care of so well, there were so many delicious food and real good vibes. Every night was a different theme for the cuisine. For the first two days, I ate and slept on the beach, of course I spent time and mingled with family and friends too. I would find a spot as close to the water as I could and listen to the waves hit against the rocks. After dinner the local entertained the guests with dancing. On the third day we ventured outside of the resort and toured Ocho Rios and spent some time at Dunn’s River falls. Then we went into the market and did some shopping and walked around blending in with the locals. On this day I really needed a Starbucks coffee and to my surprise when I asked a local resident if there was one in the area he said yes and gave us direction. It was a long way off but it was worth the walk.

See the source image

Each time I travel, I like to try something new. On one trip to Florida, I went to the shooting range. On another trip to Jamaica I tried ziplining. On this trip I learned archery. I ran out of time and was only able to participate for a short time but it was fun. A bit intimidating at first but I got the hang of it. It was time to leave and take a long three hour drive up the mountains to St. Elizabeth where we are from. We arrived five hours later! If you have been to Jamaica and travel outside the resort areas, you may know that once you start on the journey the roads are wide and feel quite safe. You look out the window and enjoy the scenery, the ships coming in and the people. Eventually the ocean disappears and the roads gets smaller and winding.

Flying arrow royalty free stock photos

There was one thing that was very different from my other trips to Jamaica and that is, soldiers were out and completing spot checks. Something new to protect the citizens in troubled areas with high crime. This was my first time being approached to spot check our vehicle.

One of my favorite things to do on the island is to go and see family. It’s very different from being on a resort, being catered to and breathing in the ocean air. Everyone is so chilled and still caters to us. Family came to see us. There was lots of laughter, music and food. Of course, every time on the last day of our visit, I never want to leave. Some of the people we met are so humble with little but will give you what they have in terms of making you dinner, taking care of you to make sure you are fine and safe. My favorite things about Jamaica are the people, the food and the music. No matter how long I stay away, I always feel at home when I go visit.

What are some of your favorite things you like to do on vacation?

For more on my trip to Jamaica, go to http://bit.ly/2Fpyfj4.

To see more images on Jamaica, go to http://bit.ly/2Fpyfj4

2 thoughts on “Jamaica! Oh How I Love Thee!

  1. I loved your post but I had a good laugh at your need for a Starbucks coffee and there was one. I hope it was well worth the walk. Did you find it was like home or a little different?

    • Hi Chrystal,

      On previous visits, it felt like I was home. This visit at first felt different due to the spot checks from the soldiers shortly after leaving the airport. However, that moment quickly faded. I felt more like a tourist on this trip probably because we stayed on the resort for the first week.

      Yes, the Starbucks coffee was worth the walk. I was surprised too there was one.😊

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