COM0015 – Assignment #5 – Event Participation

For this assignment we were asked to participate in a networking event that would allow us to develop professionally. Luckily for me, I have been participating in events and markets with my business since July. Each month, and in November and December – each weekend, I have been participating in locally handmade markets and shows. These shows are run by an organization called The Mom Market Collective. These markets bring local female entrepreneurs together to share our businesses, connect with one another and the community. I originally joined the event as a way to network my business to potential customers, but found the connections I made with other vendors and entrepreneurs was more valuable than the revenue I made (revenue didn’t hurt though!).

@themommarket_ on Instagram (me – second from right)

Through these events I have met many, many incredibly talented and hardworking women like me. The founders of this market, Jasmine and Amy, have taught me so much about marketing and have included me in their circle of connections. For example, I was given the opportunity to be apart of their clothing brand launch along with a few other small businesses. I have learned what it takes to successfully collaborate with influencers in the community, and other businesses. Along with the founders, there were a few other vendors that I made connections with and we were able to collaborate our businesses together as well as form friendships! These connections were not one sided either, everything I gained I would also be sharing my knowledge and insights with them. As of September and starting these courses, I have learned so much that has helped my presence on social media and I have been able to share these insights with fellow businesses owners.

I found that after each market, I was coming home with more and more ideas for my business. I would come home with new contact information for someone who would like to carry a line of my products in their salon – so I would immediately develop a specific display, layout, and of course accessories for them. Not only this, but I would receive feedback on what customers are looking for and what trends they wanted to see incorporated into my business.

My Table Display At The Mom Market December 18 – 20

I’m not sure if this would be classified as a ‘quotable’ quote per se, but I had one of the other local businesses come up to me at my last market of the year and say this;

“I wanted to share how impressed I am with you and the business you have created. I see you at almost every market possible, always being positive, creating connections with your customers and other vendors without hesitation. I tell my daughters, and anyone else who asks me about starting a business, that you are someone to look up to.”

@sana_farooqui_official on Instagram

This may not be something that will be remembered by others, but to me I will always remember these kind words and the jolt of motivation and encouragement I received in those words. I had been feeling the stress of the holidays and having this said to me, brought me right out of those holiday blues. This is something I hope to always remember and look back onto one day.

I will absolutely be continuing to attend this markets, and other similar ones, to not only gain exposure to my business, but to continue making connections with other businesses. The markets have been such a great experience and have been so amazing at getting me out of my comfort zone and truly interacting with similar minded businesses.

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