COM0014 – Blog #6 – Do People Know My Story?

Me (Top Knotted Accessories) at my Christmas Market

Why Did I Start My Business?

I think we can all agree that 2020 was a rough year. Luckily I did have something good come out of it – my business. At the end of February, when we were all feeling the impending doom of a pandemic lockdown, I decided to take on a new hobby – something to occupy all this time I was about to have! So like most people at the beginning of March, I went to amazon, ordered some supplies and got to work.

My plan for my this new hobby of mine, was to create a line of hair accessories that I had hoped to sell in the salon I was supposed to open this year. So I spent a couple of weeks deep in fabric, elastic and thread, hoping to find the perfect combination of material and styles that I thought would be perfect to sell and compliment my guest’s hair. Unfortunately as lockdown continued week after week, my dream of my salon suddenly vanished. But as this dream slowly faded from view, Top Knotted started growing larger and larger.

I had created an instagram account and starting sharing some of my work, looks and styles with friends and family and ended up having people message me looking to purchase my products. From there, an Etsy store was created, and eventually a shopify site, when my ideas got bigger than Etsy would allow.

So, from a year full of crazy and disappointment, came my business that I can focus both of my passions on- hairstyling and fashion!

What did 2020 bring for you?

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