COM0015 – Blog #3 – Professional Networking

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Growing a network for any business takes lots of time, both in planning and execution. It is important to have a strategy for the present time, as well as the near future, to achieve your goals. Networking looks a lot different than it might have looked 30 years ago. With the use of social media, and the online world, networking can be mostly done online. I have adapted this use of networking from the start of my business.

The Strategy

My goal for my business is to expand my reach and connections. I would hope to one day have a in-person retail store where my products can be bought. In order to reach this goal my strategy is to create connections with other businesses, both growing and established. To create these connections and professional relationships, I will be interacting through my social media as well as participating in in-person events (when safe to do so) that are relevant to my field.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
  • I commit to being active on social media daily – by liking, commenting, sharing, and interacting with similar businesses, customers and individuals with a substantial following.
  • I aim to participate in online events that could introduce my business to customers and potential professional partnerships
  • I also hope to participate in more in-person events where I can create relationships and share my business.
  • Lastly, I aim to start a blog that both educates my customers as well as introduces my business to potential partnerships.

Here’s to a successful new year for my business!

What do you hope to accomplish for your business this year?

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