COM0015 – Blog 2 – Strong and Weak Organizations

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

In today’s world, social media can make or break a company. It is imperative that organizations create and implement a social strategy that can take their business to the next level of success. There are a few characteristics that can help distinguish a business with a successful social media strategy and another without. I will share a few examples below;

The Strong – La Vie En Rose

@lavieenrose on Instagram

I’ve always gone to La Vie En Rose for the comfiest pyjamas and loungewear, and absolutely love checking out their social media pages for gift inspiration or to see the newest styles! I am always drawn to their instagram page as it looks uniform, is updated frequently and shares snapshots from their customers as well as their own content!

I think La Vie En Rose is very successful on social media for a few reasons:

  • They create different content for each social platform. It has been tailored to the specific platform to make it very user friendly.
  • They are quick to reply to comments, concerns and questions across social media. Even better, they have a human touch, so you know there is a person behind the screen – not just a list of automated responses!

The Strong – Mastermind Toys

@mastermindtoys on Instagram

Mastermind Toys is another great example of a strong social media strategy. They know who their audience is – both kids and their parents. I was drawn to their social media as my sister works for the company and is has mentioned that their store always have customers who have found products or a service through the companies social media. I wanted to check it out and see how they have managed to draw so many customers.

I think Mastermind Toys is so successful on social media for a few key reasons;

  • They share customer feedback that highlights their employees – acknowledging staff on all levels shows their human side, but also their appreciation for customer reviews!
  • They are constantly teaming up with creators to bring entertainment to kids online while still promoting their products. This can be seen with their collaboration with Amie from the TV show Lego Masters!

The Weak – PhysioMed Health

@physiomedhealth on Instagram

PhysioMed is a chain of Canadian multi-practice health care clinics, offering everything from physiotherapy to massage therapy. As you can see from this recent screen shot of their instagram page above, they only have 700 followers. For a Canadian-wide company, with multiple well functioning clinics, their social media presence needs some improvment.

Unfortunately the organization posts content very infrequently and does not have an apparent strategy in place. Along with this, they have individual handles for each location and these pages lack any brand consistency or social media knowledge.

I think the potential new client reach should be reason enough to start using social media for marketing. I think the organization should have an overall strategy that can be shared among their individual locations. This would create uniformity across all networks.

Some sample objectives they could set would be;

  1. Increase brand awareness – this could be done by creating content that is tailored specifically for their target audience. Using call to actions – such as asking followers to share with their followers, would also increase awareness.
  2. Increase in audience – This could be achieved by posting their content at optimal times of the day, as well as consistently.
Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels

Do you agree with my choices? What company or organization do you feel needs help in the social media department?

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