COM0014 – Blog #4 – B2C Case Study – Starbucks

Photo by Henry & Co. from Pexels

Starbucks is one of the worlds largest coffee chains and it’s not just because of their specialized drinks and snacks. They’ve created a perfect social media presence that continues to interact and draw in consumers daily.

Where are they on social media?

Starbucks can be found on all major social media platforms. Their biggest networks being Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Although they are not active all times of the day, they are consistent in their postings. They share quality content that catches a consumers eye, using colours that represent the band, and flashy sales techniques.

They have acknowledged that their market is quite large and have created multiple pages for different counties, and even for specific store locations. This allows them to create relevant content for each individual market.

@starbuckscanada on Instagram
The Social Media Approach

As mentioned above, content is not posted as frequently as one would expect from such a successful business, but it seems to be working. They are providing strong content that relates to what the consumer wants. This would be switching to holiday cups and holiday drinks, and marketing this far and wide, just when people start to switch into the holiday mood.

They also have a very personal approach to their social media marketing, providing a human touch to it. When it comes to commenting and responding to customer comments on Twitter, they are always on it! They are also always sharing pictures and comments taken from consumers – creating a value that consumers can relate to and appreciate.

@starbuckscanada on Twitter
Why is it so successful?

Consumers like the personal touch, they like to know that there is a human on the other side of the screen, as well as the counter. I think that this approach to social media marketing is very successful in today’s market. Whether there is a problem with your order, or you just want to share your favourite drink, Starbucks is quick to respond in a friendly, but human, manor online. They have created a sense that the consumer is number one, and people have caught on with that. This can be seen by the 400 thousand + followers on the Canadian Starbucks Instagram page alone.

Photo by Alex Tim from Pexels

What business do you think has a successful social media marketing approach?

— Becca

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