COM0014 – Blog #2 – Digital Storytelling

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In order to be a successful writer online there are a few things you must keep in mind when you sit down to write.

#1 Draw Your Audience In

It is said that most internet readers will scan over an article, blog, or any other written piece, looking for “interesting chucks rather than digest the whole.” (Clark, 2020) This should be taken into account when you start writing. Be sure to keep your work interesting, if not entertaining, to draw your reader in, so they will want to fully read your work.

#2 Important Information First

As mentioned above, a typical reader will be scanning for the important information, or point of the content. To catch their attention, make sure to include your most valuable points at the start of your work. This will allow ‘scanners’ and readers to get the most of your work.

#3 Clarity in Your Writing

As with anything being posted online, your work should be free of grammatical, spelling or wording errors. The worst thing for a reader to see is a written piece that has messy mistakes. It will discourage the reader from reading. It is always a good idea to proofread, or have someone else read it over for you, before hitting submit. Check out this post on common writing mistakes to avoid!

#4 Engage Your Audience

Give your readers a reason to comment or share your work! Ask detailed questions that they could answer. This can be easily incorporated at the end of your work. Start the conversation and keep it going!

Photo By Pixabay on Pexels

If you follow these simple tips, your writing will be read with greater understanding by readers and will drum up engagement on your post.

What do you add to your writing that draws in your reader and encourages engagement?


Clark, B. (2020, September 21). How to Read. Retrieved from

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