Art and Intimidation on Social Media

With the rise of social media and its accessibility, artists have been using it to its fullest potential. All social medias have been filled with different kind of artists like knitters, painters, digital art, and crafters. However since social media has grown so much, artists with different kinds of skills have shown up on sites such as Instagram and Tik Tok.  People that create art using only their feet, photographers using only shadows, and even on person who creates art by carving into eggs. Thanks to social media, people are able to show off their hidden talents, however, to those wanting to start they may be intimidated by all the amazing art.  

Here are four tips on how to not to get intimidated on social media: 

  1. Do not get jealous 

This is a big one that I see people do too many times, they get jealous. They see people getting clout or fame over artwork that ‘anyone could do’ and that makes you bitter. It’ll affect your artwork and what you do to try and get attention. The best way to not get jealous or bitter of other people doing better is to try and be happy for them. See their success as a possibility that you can get there as well. 

  1. Don’t do it for fame 

When people first start out on social media, they think they will immediately get famous from it. However, no matter how good your art or your skill is, chances are you won’t get there right away and if you’re only doing this for the immediate fame then you will want to give it up right away too. The best way to start out on social media is to post it because you want to share. You’ll understand that you might not get famous soon, or famous at all, but you’ll be able to share your art. That’s all you should focus on. 

  1. Be willing to have an open mind 

Sometimes when people first start out trying to post their art, they believe they have the best art already. There’s no need to improve, people will love it. Honestly, a lot of time that is false. People need to be willing to learn about social media and be willing to improve their own art to get more attention. You don’t have to drastically change your art to appease to viewers or compromise your own creative value, but you should be willing to keep an open mind about it. 

  1. Talk to people 

One of the best things that you can do to feel better about posting on social media is by talking to others that do it too. Talk to big creators and small creators and learn about their story. You’ll see that rarely anyone gets there overnight, and you’ll be able to plan your own way to getting to the top. Plus, you’ll make friends which is always helpful in trying to get more popular! 

The best thing you can do when showing off your art on social media is stay true to yourself. Be open minded but don’t compromise yourself, don’t try and take a fake personality either. You just have to be yourself and eventually, you’ll get there. 


Facebook: “Art and Intimidation on Social Media,” Check it out here! 

Twitter: Check out my new blog about showing off your art! “Art and Intimidation on Social Media” click here! 

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