Social Media is Changing Lives

Almost every Millenial and Gen Z owns a phone or a computer and with that technology comes a network that creates a whole new world.

Have you ever been spotted by a modelling agency while on the streets or maybe a movie producer saw your local play and decided to hire you on the spot. Probably not. It’s very rare to become famous overnight by some ‘dumb luck’. At least before it was rare. Nowadays, with many people having access to social media, people are posting one small thing then waking up the next morning to find out thousands of people liked it. Things can change within a snap of your fingers thanks to this new way of showing your content.

Many people, teenagers and adults alike have found new full time jobs thanks to social medias like Tik Tok, Facebook, and Instagram. And no, I don’t just mean they found jobs by searching the ‘Now Hiring’ section, I mean their jobs ARE posting on these sites or these sites helped them become self employed.

There are so many artists and creators who started out small, as nobodies, who now make a full living off of what they create thanks to social media platforms. One artist in particular I know is Kittyalyst, an instagram artist. She is a full time student but is using social media to help her sell her art and pay for her schooling. With the help of social media, she has made over 700 art sales on etsy.

Becoming famous and creating your own business has never been easier with the help of social media but don’t let the glam of popularity blind you. Though it can be very helpful, it can also destroy you.

(Social Media’s Dark Side coming soon)

3 thoughts on “Social Media is Changing Lives

  1. It is so incredible how people have managed to create completely new jobs and ways to earn a living through social media. It’s been amazing to watch it all unfold!

  2. I am coming to appreciate the way social media is introducing me to people I would not be aware of in my daily life. I appreciate talent and was amazed especially during the beginning of our lockdown how creative people were and that I was able to sit in my home and view some outstanding talented people doing what they do best!

  3. It’s mind boggling at time’s to keep up with all the new platforms. I fall in that gap between Gen X and Millennials (depending on what chart your read) and half my friends are avid FB users and stop at that and the other’s, embarrassing at times, are trying out everything new like TikTok. You highlighted something positive that comes out of social media and that’s that it gives the hidden artist a place to showcase their talent. Thanks for reminding us of this.

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