COM-0014 Blog#6-Do People Know Your Story? This is Why I Get Up In the Morning.

Sometimes the greatest challenges teach the most imporatant lessons. Image designed by: Christi Bouchard Howden

The rocky road.

A year ago my life was completely different, and not in a good way. Every single week day morning I would find myself near tears, stressing about what battles I would have to face. I dreaded the short drive to what I considered hell. I despised my workplace and it was slowly but surely tearing me and my family apart. It’s funny how what almost kills you, really does make you stronger!

I needed a job when I moved to the Quinte region about four years ago. Known for its incredibly high unemployment rate, the pickings were slim in the Bay of Quinte. Then one fateful day, I found an ad for a marketing/data management position at a small optical manufacturing company. Given my background in journalism, I figured the position would be interesting a definite change of pace.

It took a little while however to acclimate to the career change, but I loved it. I was designing ads, attending optical shows and conferences, writing content for optical magazines and I even created logos for some of the new and innovative products new to the market. Life was grand for the first little while, until the honeymoon phase was over.

I can’t even say when the environment shifted, but suddenly it seemed like every day there was new turmoil and upset. Unrealistic demands were made and expectations were unreasonably high. The owner regularly would scream obscenities and insults at the staff. While I was rarely a prime target, the stress of the atmosphere played a toll on both my mental health and family life. Eventually my position changed and I no longer was doing any of the tasks that I initially enjoyed. I was resigned to a back room inputting orders and other mundane duties. I felt stuck in an impossible situation and had no idea what to do to get out of it.

I lost my joy and found myself angry at everything. My family gave me an intervention of sorts, discussing how much I had changed over the years and how concerned they were about my health. Something had to change quickly before I lost everything that mattered to me.

Change is good!

Dancing With The Stars! Upper star is myself with my dance instructor and my dance partner. Image designed by: Christi Bouchard Howden

I took stock of my abilities and qualifications then hunted for positions that I would best thrive in. It didn’t take long! A small technology company was looking for a marketing assistant and even though the salary was low and it was an entry level position, I applied. To my surprise they accepted a 41 year old woman with limited marketing experience and radio broadcasting as a background, to fill the postion.

Since that day, I have worked my way into a Marketing Specialist position. Never in a million years did I think I would go back to school, but here I am, a 42 year old student. I love what I do and I adore the company I became part of. We truly are a team and the owner is a leader rather than a dictator. I am happy and have found joy again. I enjoy waking up in the morning and heading into the office.

The I.T. company I am now a part of, specializes in software and application development. I am incredible fortunate to be part of an amazing project called Here2Volunteer. This software platform is designed for both organizations and the volunteers that play a part in those agencies. Every day I get to help organizations like the Humane Society or local food banks in the area recruit volunteers and be part of something bigger than anything I have ever participated in. Volunteer agencies, like Volunteer and Information Quinte, utilize our software making an even larger impact on the community.

Something bigger than I could have imagined.

Myself and co-worker volunteering at the Holiday Train for the Gleaner’s Food Bank. Image created by: Christi Bouchard Howden

This marketing position has given me so much more than employment. I am a better person because of it. I find myself volunteering within the community and even became a participant in a local fundraising Dancing With the Stars competition. I spend time talking with seniors on the phone during the pandemic so they are not lonely, dress up as an elf for the local food bank holiday fundraisers and even volunteered as a parking attendant for the largest human maple leaf world record event last July. Just yesterday, I was able to help present the local Children’s Safety Village with a $500 sponsorship cheque on behalf of my company.

Living life filled with a purpose, being part of the community and helping people, change a person for the better. It makes getting up in the morning an adventure, filled with wonder of what the day will bring. Everyday I am grateful for the lessons I have learned and the rocky path that lead me to where I am today. I am not saying this is my final resting place, because life is unpredictable and wonderfully full of surprises. What I am saying is- learn and grow from the tough times and remember that sunnier skies are always on the horizon.

Have you ever felt stuck in a dead end job? What did you do about it? Drop a comment below and tell me how you overcame adversity and your personal growth afterwards.

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