Professional Networking

Networking is such an important part to any online or in person activity. Networking allows for new connections to form which can turn into helpful relationships down the line. As for me, I find I’m quite reserved when networking, so a goal of mine in the coming years will be to put myself out there more and try to foster a relationship with at least two new people. Something I heard a while ago said that while networking, find someone in your ideal job position. Talk to them briefly about your qualifications, what lead you to want to be in that field. Then ask them about their job- understand their role/career, understand their path and then ask them for advice. After that, you’re supposed to update them every few months on how you’ve been implementing their advice. 7/10 times down the line when they have a job opening, they reach out to you. As for personal networking relationships, while you’re talking to someone, talk about them. It’s no surprise that people like talking about themselves- even if they don’t know it. When you talk about them and actively listen to what they have to say, they tend to think more highly of you.

Over the next 6-12 months, I plan on implementing these strategies by attending at least 3 events with the intent to network.

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