Hiding Instagram Likes: Is This Helping or Hurting Us?

Photo by Okmar Patyane on Pexels

This past April, the popular social media app, Instagram, issued a statement saying they were going to run a test, hiding the total number of likes and views for some users, in an attempt to create a “less pressurized environment where people feel comfortable expressing themselves…. We want your followers to focus on the photos and videos you share, not how many likes they get” explained Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram.

Over the years, Instagram has changed from being a simple communication tool to more of a digital frenzy filled with influencers and algorithms. Now a days, getting a considerable amount of likes on a photo can seem like you’ve just won a gold medal; positive feedback that you are doing something right.

Studies show that dopamine is released into our brains following many activities, including successful social interactions. This makes us feel as though we are being rewarded. Meaning, that when we get a notification, whether a text message or a ‘like’, this chemical tell us that what we are doing feels good and should be done again. This reward pattern is exactly what social media developers use to keep you engaged online, similar to gambling. When this feel-good drug comes at as small of a cost as checking your phone, social media can turn into an addictive habit. The Royal Society for Public Health released a survey, explaining that Instagram is the leading cause of health and wellness problems, with more than 5% of young people suffering from social media addiction.

Photo by Tracey Le Blanc on Pexels

To help write a more balanced blog, I decided to put it to a vote. I went on my Instagram account and asked my followers if they liked the app better seeing how the likes were now hidden. Of everyone that responded, 59% said they liked Instagram better now, whereas 41% want it back to the way it was before. So, my question is, do you feel less pressure with this new update? Do you need to see the numbers?

Are you being affected by Instagram’s hidden likes? Find out! *LINK*

Are Instagram’s hidden likes affecting you? *LINK*

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