COM0014 – Blog #2: Conveying your story online

The trick to attracting readership and maintain the attention of your audience requires a neat balancing act. You must give the most important information at the start of your text. This information needs to be well planned. Your writing must be concise yet descriptive and everything must be professional and clean.

Inverted Triangle

Readers, especially online, have a short attention span. With this in mind, content must be created with the most relevant information near the beginning and end with less important information.

The Pitch

An interesting lesson that all writers must keep in mind is that they must have a goal with their creation. The writer will want to plan their content so they achieve their goal. As a writer, you can ask yourself, “what do I want to achieve with this article?” Be sure that everything you write leads to this answer.

Balancing Act

Writers will need to keep in mind the five W’s and the one H; the questions of who, what, where, when, why and how must be answered. Don’t forget that you do not want to bog down the reader with too much information. This is where you will need to balance the information. You must make sure that all important information is conveyed and withhold the unnecessary details.


Always be sure to proofread all material. Readers will maintain interest if the grammar and spelling is excellent. Keep your ideas consistent and clear otherwise you will lose readers. Writers should also focus on composing in an active rather than a passive voice because it is clear and concise. You can include some passive sentences to vary the sentences. The point of this will be to keep the readers challenged and interested.

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