Traditional bullying VS. Cyber Bullying

Bullying is aggressive behaviour that bullies influence the victim and make them feel uncomfortable and in extreme cases victim may even commit suicide. In this blog l would like to talk about a certain type of bullying. Cyber bullying has evolved by using technology which I believe it’s more dangerous on our children than the Traditional bulling. I will share with you some steps to help educating children on how to stop cyber bullying.

The difference between Traditional bullying and Cyber bulling is that Traditional bulling when someone (usually more than one) is hurting another person face to face and makes him feel uncomfortable, hurting them by kicking, pushing and saying nasty words, and the victim finds hard time to stop the bully. Cyber bullying is exactly the same but it’s happening online through using new technologies and different social media channels.

Why is cyber bullying more dangerous than the traditional bullying?

In Traditional bullying the bully and the victim usually know each other, usually they are colloquies or neighbours. The harassment takes place at school or play ground or any other place, where in cyber bullying, the bully can hide their identity which makes it difficult for the victim to know who is harassing them and the bullying occur anytime anywhere and the victim can’t avoid it. It can be through text massages, emails, posting on face book or twitter…

Another reason in traditional bullying the victim is insulted in front of few other friends where as in cyber bullying the victim is insulted in front of a larger audience, other friends & family members.

Victims of traditional bullying may seek help from parents or teachers without facing a punishment, while in cyber bullying victims find it difficult to report these harassments to parents because of the fear of losing the internet or the cell phone privileges.

Actions to stop Cyber bullying:

  • Identify bulling on post, for example if someone post” you look like idiot in this picture” this is bullying.
  • Tell the person to stop
  • Save evidence
  • Block/Report using available tech tools
  • Reach for help (parent or police)

From my personal experience, when my son was 6 years old he has been bullied, it took him long time till he gained back his confidence. Our children should be safe wherever they are, at school, gym or online. Educating our kids how to handle problems and have an open communication channel will help them to get over any problem.

Do you agree with me that cyber bulling is more dangerous that traditional bulling?



Cyber bullying is a type of bulling that can hit our children while they are home. share with your children tips to stop cyber bullying



#Tips every parent must share to protect children from cyber bulling






2 thoughts on “Traditional bullying VS. Cyber Bullying

  1. Great post Amani, you make some excellent points about the dangers of bullying especially in an online environment and offer some great tactics to prevent bullying from happening and continuing online. However, I still believe traditional bullying to be a bigger danger, due to the often unavoidable nature of it. Online we have a lot of choice over who and what we see, we can block certain people on facebook and even opt-out of sites altogether if they offend us. In the real world those, especially for children in schools it’s hard to avoid a bully, physical and vocal attacks can be ignored, but that won’t always stop them from happening. Online we can avoid any interaction with our bully’s whatsoever, but in the real world this action is significantly more complicated.

  2. Thanks for your post Amani. I think about your question whether one source if bullying is worse than another. I think that at the end of the day both are bullying so one is not more preferable than another. I actually think that with cyber bullying there is a greater opportunity for people to step in to try to stop the bullying as you are not getting into physical altercations, but rather through the safety of the internet you are able to speak out against the bullying. But neither form is acceptable.

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