COM0014 Blog # 4 – B2C Case Study

My case study involves Iqaluit musicians, The Jerry Cans/Pai Gaalaqautikkut. A self-described Inuktitut alt-country, throat singing, and reggae band that started in 2008, The Jerry Cans heavily engage with their audience online. For the purposes of this analysis, I will focus on their Facebook interactions.

The Jerry Cans are skilled marketers who use their Facebook page to connect with their local fanbase and to build an international following. They broadcast worldwide performances, tour schedules, merchandise, and profile and celebrate various aspects of Inuit culture. They have 10,710 page likes, 10,626 followers, and their numbers are growing steadily. They regularly host like and share Facebook contests to give away merchandise, Inuit food or tickets to their events. They respond to Facebook messages within the hour, which is very important when growing a brand; have links to their website giving fans an easy route to purchase albums and merchandise; highlight the work of Indigenous performers; and regularly post pictures with their Inuit and non-Inuit fans around the world.

Perhaps most importantly, The Jerry Cans are popular cultural ambassadors who spread positive messages about Inuit culture. Recently, there were highly publicized violent incidents in Nunavik (Northern Quebec). Following performances in those communities, The Jerry Cans posted a heartfelt note on Facebook about the beauty, kindness and generosity they encountered while performing. As a business, The Jerry Cans used their social media clout to combat negative perceptions, which is very important to their consumers.

Check them out today on Facebook at The Jerry Cans / Pai Gaalaqautikkut. You’ll have a lot of fun following an entertaining band that is part of a dynamic social media movement working to create a positive dialogue about Inuit. And you can buy their music and hoodies while you’re at it.


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