COM0014: Personal Reflection – Learning to Integrate Old Abilities

By: Bryan Thiel

Throughout the past three credits I’ve learned how to properly monitor  social media accounts and develop a successful strategy. When our fourth credit started, I wasn’t sure what to expect.

As things moved along week after week, I found that the content dealt more and more with concepts I was already familiar with, but never seriously thought about integrating into my social media practices.

Making sure the lead isn’t buried is something I deal with in my industry each and every day, but it’s something I never thought would cross over to the world of Social Media. Throughout my blogging career I’ve always made sure to construct my content in a manner similar to what I was taught, and through this credit I found that I can transfer that line of thinking across various social accounts.

Catering my content to the same target audience every day for the last six years allowed me to settle into a steady groove, but I quickly learned that’s not what social media is about. Learning about different audiences and how to effectively communicate with them changed my way of looking at the content I create, while helping me realize that I can generate the same content different ways for different audiences.

Overall, as a story teller, this credit has been mostly about vindication. Leading up to these past few weeks, I had learned the technical side of the industry. Over the past two months, I’ve found it rewarding to feel as if I was able to relate what I had learned to what I’ve been practicing the past few years. I have always wanted to tell stories, and as of December 27th, I feel as if I have the tools to do it successfully across any platform.

I can only look forward to what lies in store for my journey with Social Media in the New Year.


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