Personal Reflection

Before completing this course, I thought of myself as a talented writer. Week after week, I was proving to myself that I had yet a lot to learn. This course has helped me with my creative writing and how I can tie it all together with directing my message to specific audiences. For example I have learned that when the target audience is children it is important to be yourself and not try to act like a child in effort to relate. After completing this Digital Communications course I now understand the importance of story telling when delivering digital content. Story telling not only helps achieve an attentive and cooperative audience, but it also keeps your audience intrigued and cooperative. Whenever I am delivering a story digitally or even verbally for that matter, I make sure I am telling it in storytelling format. This is the most effective way to deliver your message to your audience. I want to tell stories that are of interest to my target group. Although I have completed this course and I now feel a lot more comfortable communicating digitally, I still realize I have a lot of room for improvement and will continue to further educate myself in order to improve.

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